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500 km
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datasets have provided data to the Atlas of Living Australia for this species.

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Names and sources

Accepted Name Source
Ackama paniculosa (F.Muell.) Heslewood
  • APC
According to:Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2016), Australian Plant Census
Published in:Heslewood, M.M. & Wilson, P.G. (8 March 2013), A new combination in Ackama (Cunoniaceae). Telopea 15 [6]
Synonym Source
Ackama hirsuta S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Pickard heterotypic nom. inval.
  • APC
Published in:Jacobs, S.W.L. & Pickard, J. (1981), Plants of New South Wales [109]
Caldcluvia paniculosa (F.Muell.) Hoogland homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Hoogland, R.D. (1979), Studies in the Cunoniaceae II. The genera Caldcluvia, Pullea, Acsmithia, and Spiraeanthemum. Blumea 25(2) [488]
Ackama paniculosa Beuzev. & C.T.White heterotypic nom. inval., nom. nud.
  • APC
Published in:Beuzeville, W.A.W. de & White, C.T. (1947), A new species of Longetia: the botanical identity of the "Pink Cherry" of Dorrigo timber-getters. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 71(3-4) [237, in obs.]
Ackama mollis Schltr. heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Schlechter, F.R.R. (1914), Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 52 [166]
Ackama muelleri var. hirsuta Maiden & Betche heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Maiden, J.H. & Betche, E. (1912), Notes from the Botanic Gardens, Sydney. No. 17. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 37 [246]
Ackama muelleri var. tomentosa Maiden heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Maiden, J.H. (1894), The Dorrigo Forest Reserve. Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales 5(9) [609]
Windmannia paniculosa (F.Muell.) Kuntze homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Kuntze, C.E.O. (5 November 1891), Revisio Generum Plantarum 1 [228]
Ackama paniculata Engl. heterotypic nom. illeg.
  • APC
Published in:Engler, H.G.A. in Engler, H.G.A. & Prantl, K.A.E. (ed.) (March 1891), Cunoniaceae. Die Naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien III, 2a(56) [94, 99]
Ackama muelleri Benth. heterotypic nom. illeg.
  • APC
Published in:Bentham, G. (5 October 1864), Flora Australiensis 2 [444]
Weinmannia paniculosa F.Muell. homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Mueller, F.J.H. von (1861), Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 2(15) [126]
Weinmannia paniculata F.Muell. homotypic nom. illeg.
  • APC
Published in:Mueller, F.J.H. von (1860), Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 2(13) [83]
Common Name Source
Soft Corkwood preferred Australia Australia
Name Source
Ackama paniculosa (F.Muell.) Heslewood accepted
  • APC
Identifier Source
https://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/7115420 Taxon current
  • APC
http://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/7115420 Taxon unknown
  • APC
https://id.biodiversity.org.au/name/apni/242195 Scientific Name current
  • APC
https://id.biodiversity.org.au/instance/apni/7115396 Taxon Concept current
  • APC


Ackama paniculosa

Charts showing breakdown of occurrence records (0 records)

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Categorical Traits

* Data sources in AusTraits report multiple values for this trait, suggesting variation across the taxon's range and life stages. Please download the raw data with information about the context of data collection to assess whether they are relevant to your project.
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Numeric Traits

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