Occurrence records map (0 records)

500 km
Leaflet | Atlas of Living Australia, Map data © OpenStreetMap, imagery © CartoDB


datasets have provided data to the Atlas of Living Australia for this species.

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Names and sources

Accepted Name Source
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg.
  • APC
According to:Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census
Published in:Øllgaard, B. (1987), A revised classification of the Lycopodiaceae s. lat. Opera Botanica 92 [176]
Synonym Source
Lateristachys lateralis (R.Br.) Holub homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Holub, J.L. (1983), Validation of generic names in Lycopodiaceae: with a description of a new genus Pseudolycopodiella. Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica 18 [441]
Lepidotis lateralis (R.Br.) Rothm. homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Rothmaler, W.H.P. (30 September 1944), Pteridophyten-Studien I. Feddes Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis 54(1) [67]
Lycopodium consimilis Colenso synonym
  • NZOR
Lycopodium laterale R.Br. var. laterale homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Spring, A.F. (1849), Monographie de la Famille des Lycopodiacees 2. Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences ... Belgique 24 [39]
Lycopodium laterale R.Br. homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Brown, R. (27 March 1810), Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae et insulae Van-Diemen, exhibens characteres plantarum quas annis 1802-1805 [165]
Common Name Source
Slender Clubmoss preferred Australia Australia
Slender Clubmoss Australia Australia
  • APC
Slender Clubmoss Australia Australia
  • APC
Slender Clubmoss Australia Australia
  • APC
Name Source
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg. accepted
  • NZOR
Lycopodiella lateralis (R.Br.) B.Øllg. accepted
  • APC
Identifier Source
NZOR-6-131809 Taxon current
  • NZOR
http://data.nzor.org.nz/names/3c7af6ca-a989-4cb3-a020-6eb9c912c57e Scientific Name current
  • NZOR
https://id.biodiversity.org.au/name/apni/118020 Scientific Name current
  • APC
http://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/2903311 Taxon unknown
  • APC
https://id.biodiversity.org.au/instance/apni/615439 Taxon Concept current
  • APC
https://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/2903311 Taxon current
  • APC


Lycopodiella lateralis

Charts showing breakdown of occurrence records (0 records)

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Categorical Traits

* Data sources in AusTraits report multiple values for this trait, suggesting variation across the taxon's range and life stages. Please download the raw data with information about the context of data collection to assess whether they are relevant to your project.
Trait Name Trait Value Definition

Numeric Traits

Trait Name Min Mean Max Unit Definition