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500 km
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datasets have provided data to the Atlas of Living Australia for this subspecies.

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Names and sources

Accepted Name Source
Angophora costata (Gaertn.) Britten subsp. costata
  • APC
According to:Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census
Published in:Leach, G.J. (24 April 1986), A Revision of the Genus Angophora (Myrtaceae). Telopea 2(6) [756-759]

See Leach (1986) for a discussion of nomenclature in this species. Presumed hybrids between A. costata subsp. costata and A. hispida have been described under the name A. x dichromophloia.

Synonym Source
Eucalyptus apocynifolia (Salisb.) Brooker heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Brooker, M.I.H. (28 February 2000), A new classification of the genus Eucalyptus L'Her. (Myrtaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 13(1) [135]
Angophora lanceolata var. hispida A.Gray heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Gray, A. (1854), United States Exploring Expedition Phanerogamia 1 [555]
Angophora lanceolata Cav. var. lanceolata heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Gray, A. (1854), United States Exploring Expedition Phanerogamia 1 [555]
Metrosideros splendens Gaertn. ex DC. heterotypic nom. illeg.
  • APC
Published in:Candolle, A.P. de in Candolle, A.P. de (ed.) (1828), Myrtaceae. Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 3 [222]
Metrosideros lanceolata Pers. heterotypic nom. superfl., nom. illeg.
  • APC
Published in:Persoon, C.H. (1806), Synopsis plantarum, seu enchiridium botanicum, complectens enumerationem systematicam specierum 2(1) [25]
Melaleuca costata Raeusch. heterotypic nom. inval., nom. nud.
  • APC
Published in:Raeuschel, E.A. (1797), Nomenclator botanicus omnes plantas: ab illustr. Carolo a Linné descriptas aliisque botanicis temporis recentioris detectas enumerans Edn. 3 [142]
Angophora lanceolata Cav. heterotypic nom. superfl., nom. illeg.
  • APC
Published in:Cavanilles, A.J. (1797), Icones et Descriptiones Plantarum 4(1) [22, t. 339]
Metrosideros apocynifolia Salisb. heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Salisbury, R.A. (1796), Prodromus Stirpium in Horto ad Chapel Allerton Vigentium [351]
Common Name Source
Smooth-Barked Apple preferred Australia Australia
Smooth-Barked Apple preferred Australia Australia
Rusty Gum Australia Australia
  • APC
Sydney Red Gum Australia Australia
  • APC
Name Source
Angophora costata (Gaertn.) Britten subsp. costata accepted
  • APC

See Leach (1986) for a discussion of nomenclature in this species. Presumed hybrids between A. costata subsp. costata and A. hispida have been described under the name A. x dichromophloia.

Identifier Source
https://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/2896338 Taxon current
  • APC
https://id.biodiversity.org.au/instance/apni/612288 Taxon Concept current
  • APC
https://id.biodiversity.org.au/name/apni/91759 Scientific Name current
  • APC
http://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/2896338 Taxon unknown
  • APC


Angophora costata
Angophora costata subsp. costata

Charts showing breakdown of occurrence records (0 records)

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Categorical Traits

* Data sources in AusTraits report multiple values for this trait, suggesting variation across the taxon's range and life stages. Please download the raw data with information about the context of data collection to assess whether they are relevant to your project.
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Numeric Traits

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