
datasets have provided data to the Atlas of Living Australia for this species.

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Names and sources

Name Source
Schwagerina gregaria (Lee, 1931)
  • CoL synonym
Published in:Chen, X., & Wang, J. H. (1983). 广西宜山地区晚石炭世马平组的莛类 - The fusulinids of the Maping Limestone of the Upper Carboniferous from Yishan, Guangxi. Palaeontologica Sinica, Whole Number 164, New Series B, 19:1–133 (In Chinese, with English abstract).
Name Source
Schwagerina gregaria (Lee, 1931) synonym
  • CoL
Identifier Source
8e22978e-c515-4022-9a53-7561e00ff99c Scientific Name current
  • CoL Taxon current
  • CoL


Schwagerina gregaria

Charts showing breakdown of occurrence records (0 records)

Data sets Licence Records