Conservation Status
Online Resources
Occurrence records map (0 records)
datasets have provided data to the Atlas of Living Australia for this genus.
Browse the list of datasets and find organisations you can join if you are interested in participating in a survey for species of Eucalyptus .

Names and sources
Accepted Name | Source |
Eucalyptus |
According to:Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2007), Australian Plant Census | |
Published in:L'Héritier de Brutelle, C.L. (1789), Sertum Anglicum [18] |
Synonym | Source |
Symphyomyrtus heterotypic |
Published in:Schauer, J.C. in Lehmann, J.G.C. (ed.) (1844), Myrtaceae. Plantae Preissianae 1(1) [126] | |
Eudesmia heterotypic |
Aromadendrum ex heterotypic nom. inval. |
Published in:Brown, R. (27 March 1810), Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae et insulae Van-Diemen, exhibens characteres plantarum quas annis 1802-1805 [553] | |
Eucalyptus x studleyensis synonym | |
Eucalyptus x oxypoma synonym | |
Eucalyptus x mundijongensis synonym | |
Eucalyptus x kalganensis synonym | |
Eucalyptus x chrysantha synonym | |
Eucalyptus x carnabyi synonym | |
Eucalyptus x bennettiae synonym | |
Eucalyptus B. Terminales unreviewedSynonym |
Common Name | Source |
Deniliquin Box preferred Australia Australia | |
Studley Park Gum preferred Australia Australia | |
Gum Trees Australia Australia |
Name | Source |
Eucalyptus accepted |
Eucalyptus accepted |
Identifier | Source |
---|---| Scientific Name current |
| Taxon current |
| Scientific Name current |
| Taxon unknown |
NZOR-6-134542 Taxon current |
| Taxon Concept current |
- kingdom
- Plantae
- phylum
- Charophyta
- class
- Equisetopsida
- subclass
- Magnoliidae
- superorder
- Rosanae
- order
- Myrtales
- family
- Myrtaceae
- genus
- Eucalyptus
- species
- (Eucalyptus globulus x Eucalyptus urnigera ) x Eucalyptus johnstonii
- species
- (Eucalyptus globulus x Eucalyptus urnigera ) x Eucalyptus johnstonii
- species
- (Eucalyptus johnstonii x Eucalyptus globulus ) x Eucalyptus urnigera
- species
- (Eucalyptus johnstonii x Eucalyptus globulus ) x Eucalyptus urnigera
- species
- (Eucalyptus urnigera x Eucalyptus globulus ) x Eucalyptus johnstonii
- species
- (Eucalyptus urnigera x Eucalyptus globulus ) x Eucalyptus johnstonii
- species
- Eucalyptus "annuliformis"
- species
- Eucalyptus "diminuta"
- species
- Eucalyptus "histophylla"
- species
- Eucalyptus "melanophitra"
- species
- Eucalyptus "nigrifunda"
- species
- Eucalyptus "petrensis"
- species
- Eucalyptus "rhomboidea"
- species
- Eucalyptus "zopherophloia"
- species
- Eucalyptus abdita
- species
- Eucalyptus absita
- species
- Eucalyptus acaciiformis
- species
- Eucalyptus accedens
- species
- Eucalyptus acmenioides x Eucalyptus cloeziana
- species
- Eucalyptus acmenoides
- species
- Eucalyptus acmenoides x Eucalyptus cloeziana
- species
- Eucalyptus acroleuca
- species
- Eucalyptus adesmophloia ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus adesmophloia ( ) - Eucalyptus obesa
- species
- Eucalyptus aequioperta
- species
- Eucalyptus aff. aspera
- species
- Eucalyptus aff. baueriana (Werribee River Catchment)
- species
- Eucalyptus aff. camaldulensis (Torrumbarry)
- species
- Eucalyptus aff. orbifolia
- species
- Eucalyptus aff. terminalis
- species
- Eucalyptus aff. transcontinentalis
- species
- Eucalyptus aff. viridis
- species
- Eucalyptus aff. viridis
- species
- Eucalyptus agglomerata
- species
- Eucalyptus aggregata
- species
- Eucalyptus alaticaulis
- species
- Eucalyptus alatissima ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus albens
- species
- Eucalyptus albens x Eucalyptus melanophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus albens x Eucalyptus melliodora ex
- species
- Eucalyptus albens x Eucalyptus microcarpa ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus albida
- species
- Eucalyptus albopurpurea ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus alipes ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus alligatrix
- species
- Eucalyptus ammophila
- species
- Eucalyptus amplifolia
- species
- Eucalyptus amygdalina
- species
- Eucalyptus amygdalina x Eucalyptus coccifera
- species
- Eucalyptus amygdalina x Eucalyptus linearis
- species
- Eucalyptus amygdalina x Eucalyptus nitida
- species
- Eucalyptus amygdalina x Eucalyptus pauciflora ex
- species
- Eucalyptus amygdalina x Eucalyptus pulchella
- species
- Eucalyptus amygdalina x Eucalyptus risdonii
- species
- Eucalyptus amygdalina x Eucalyptus sieberi
- species
- Eucalyptus amygdalina x Eucalyptus simmondsii
- species
- Eucalyptus ancophila
- species
- Eucalyptus andrewsii
- species
- Eucalyptus angophoroides
- species
- Eucalyptus angularis
- species
- Eucalyptus angulosa
- species
- Eucalyptus angustissima
- species
- Eucalyptus annulata
- species
- Eucalyptus annuliformis
- species
- Eucalyptus apiculata
- species
- Eucalyptus apodophylla
- species
- Eucalyptus apothalassica
- species
- Eucalyptus approximans
- species
- Eucalyptus aquatica ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus aquilina
- species
- Eucalyptus arachnaea
- species
- Eucalyptus arborella
- species
- Eucalyptus arcana ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus archeri
- species
- Eucalyptus arenacea
- species
- Eucalyptus arenicola
- species
- Eucalyptus argillacea
- species
- Eucalyptus argophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus argophloia x Eucalyptus microcarpa ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus argutifolia
- species
- Eucalyptus aridimontana
- species
- Eucalyptus armillata
- species
- Eucalyptus armillata x Eucalyptus orthostemon
- species
- Eucalyptus armillata x Eucalyptus tenera
- species
- Eucalyptus aromaphloia
- species
- Eucalyptus articulata
- species
- Eucalyptus aspersa
- species
- Eucalyptus aspratilis
- species
- Eucalyptus astringens ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus atrata
- species
- Eucalyptus atrata x Eucalyptus shirleyi
- species
- Eucalyptus aurifodina
- species
- Eucalyptus austrina ex - Eucalyptus olivina
- species
- Eucalyptus badjensis
- species
- Eucalyptus baeuerlenii
- species
- Eucalyptus baileyana
- species
- Eucalyptus baiophylla
- species
- Eucalyptus bakeri
- species
- Eucalyptus balladoniensis
- species
- Eucalyptus bancroftii ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus bancroftii ( ) x Eucalyptus robusta
- species
- Eucalyptus barberi
- species
- Eucalyptus barberi x Eucalyptus ovata
- species
- Eucalyptus barklyensis x Eucalyptus pruinosa
- species
- Eucalyptus baudiniana
- species
- Eucalyptus baueriana
- species
- Eucalyptus baxteri ( ) ex
- species
- Eucalyptus beaniana
- species
- Eucalyptus beardiana
- species
- Eucalyptus behriana
- species
- Eucalyptus bensonii
- species
- Eucalyptus benthamii
- species
- Eucalyptus beyeriana
- species
- Eucalyptus bigalerita
- species
- Eucalyptus blakelyi
- species
- Eucalyptus blakelyi x Eucalyptus tereticornis
- species
- Eucalyptus blaxellii
- species
- Eucalyptus blaxlandii
- species
- Eucalyptus bloxsomei x Eucalyptus citriodora
- species
- Eucalyptus bloxsomei x Eucalyptus maculata
- species
- Eucalyptus boliviana
- species
- Eucalyptus bosistoana
- species
- Eucalyptus botryoides
- species
- Eucalyptus brachyandra
- species
- Eucalyptus brachycalyx
- species
- Eucalyptus brachycarpa x Eucalyptus setosa
- species
- Eucalyptus brandiana
- species
- Eucalyptus brassiana
- species
- Eucalyptus brassiana x Eucalyptus pellita
- species
- Eucalyptus brevifolia
- species
- Eucalyptus brevipes
- species
- Eucalyptus brevistylis
- species
- Eucalyptus bridgesiana
- species
- Eucalyptus brockwayi
- species
- Eucalyptus brookeriana
- species
- Eucalyptus broviniensis
- species
- Eucalyptus brownii
- species
- Eucalyptus brownii - Eucalyptus populnea
- species
- Eucalyptus brownii x Eucalyptus crebra
- species
- Eucalyptus brownii x Eucalyptus drepanophylla ex
- species
- Eucalyptus brownii x Eucalyptus melanophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus brownii x Eucalyptus persistens
- species
- Eucalyptus brownii x Eucalyptus populnea
- species
- Eucalyptus bunyip
- species
- Eucalyptus buprestium
- species
- Eucalyptus buprestium x Eucalyptus marginata ex
- species
- Eucalyptus burdettiana
- species
- Eucalyptus burgessiana
- species
- Eucalyptus burracoppinensis
- species
- Eucalyptus cadens
- species
- Eucalyptus caesia
- species
- Eucalyptus cajuputea
- species
- Eucalyptus calcareana
- species
- Eucalyptus calcicola
- species
- Eucalyptus caleyi
- species
- Eucalyptus caleyi x Eucalyptus microcarpa ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus calidissima
- species
- Eucalyptus caliginosa
- species
- Eucalyptus calycogona
- species
- Eucalyptus calyerup
- species
- Eucalyptus camaldulensis
- species
- Eucalyptus camaldulensis x Eucalyptus exserta
- species
- Eucalyptus camaldulensis x Eucalyptus platyphylla
- species
- Eucalyptus cambageana
- species
- Eucalyptus cambageana x Eucalyptus melanophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus cambageana x Eucalyptus populnea
- species
- Eucalyptus campanulata
- species
- Eucalyptus campaspe
- species
- Eucalyptus camphora
- species
- Eucalyptus canaliculata
- species
- Eucalyptus canescens
- species
- Eucalyptus canobolensis ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus capillosa
- species
- Eucalyptus capitanea
- species
- Eucalyptus capitellata
- species
- Eucalyptus captiosa
- species
- Eucalyptus carnea
- species
- Eucalyptus carnea x Eucalyptus racemosa
- species
- Eucalyptus carnei
- species
- Eucalyptus carolaniae
- species
- Eucalyptus castrensis
- species
- Eucalyptus celastroides
- species
- Eucalyptus cephalocarpa
- species
- Eucalyptus ceracea
- species
- Eucalyptus cerasiformis
- species
- Eucalyptus ceratocorys ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus cernua
- species
- Eucalyptus cernua x Eucalyptus sporadica
- species
- Eucalyptus chapmaniana
- species
- Eucalyptus chartaboma
- species
- Eucalyptus chloroclada ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus chlorophylla
- species
- Eucalyptus chlorophylla x Eucalyptus pruinosa
- species
- Eucalyptus cinerea ex
- species
- Eucalyptus citriodora x Eucalyptus peltata
- species
- Eucalyptus cladocalyx
- species
- Eucalyptus cladocalyx x Eucalyptus peninsularis
- species
- Eucalyptus clelandiorum ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus cloeziana
- species
- Eucalyptus cloeziana x Eucalyptus portuensis
- species
- Eucalyptus cneorifolia
- species
- Eucalyptus coccifera
- species
- Eucalyptus coccifera x Eucalyptus amygdalina
- species
- Eucalyptus codonocarpa
- species
- Eucalyptus cometae-vallis
- species
- Eucalyptus concinna
- species
- Eucalyptus conferruminata
- species
- Eucalyptus conferruminata X newbeyi
- species
- Eucalyptus conferta
- species
- Eucalyptus confluens ex
- species
- Eucalyptus conglobata ( ex )
- species
- Eucalyptus conglomerata
- species
- Eucalyptus conica
- species
- Eucalyptus conica x Eucalyptus crebra
- species
- Eucalyptus conica x Eucalyptus melanophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus connexa
- species
- Eucalyptus consideniana
- species
- Eucalyptus conspicua
- species
- Eucalyptus conveniens
- species
- Eucalyptus coolabah
- species
- Eucalyptus coolabah - Eucalyptus microtheca
- species
- Eucalyptus coolabah x Eucalyptus crebra
- species
- Eucalyptus coolabah x Eucalyptus melanophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus coolabah x Eucalyptus populnea
- species
- Eucalyptus coolabah x Eucalyptus whitei
- species
- Eucalyptus cooperiana
- species
- Eucalyptus copulans
- species
- Eucalyptus cordata
- species
- Eucalyptus cordata x Eucalyptus globulus
- species
- Eucalyptus cornuta
- species
- Eucalyptus coronata
- species
- Eucalyptus corrugata
- species
- Eucalyptus corticosa
- species
- Eucalyptus corynodes
- species
- Eucalyptus cosmophylla
- species
- Eucalyptus costuligera
- species
- Eucalyptus crebra
- species
- Eucalyptus crebra x Eucalyptus decorticans ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus crebra x Eucalyptus leptophleba
- species
- Eucalyptus crebra x Eucalyptus melanophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus crebra x Eucalyptus melliodora ex
- species
- Eucalyptus crebra x Eucalyptus microcarpa ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus crebra x Eucalyptus moluccana
- species
- Eucalyptus crebra x Eucalyptus orgadophila
- species
- Eucalyptus crebra x Eucalyptus populnea
- species
- Eucalyptus crebra x Eucalyptus shirleyi
- species
- Eucalyptus crebra x Eucalyptus siderophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus crebra x Eucalyptus whitei
- species
- Eucalyptus crenulata
- species
- Eucalyptus creta
- species
- Eucalyptus cretata
- species
- Eucalyptus crispata
- species
- Eucalyptus croajingolensis
- species
- Eucalyptus crucis
- species
- Eucalyptus cullenii
- species
- Eucalyptus cullenii x Eucalyptus leptophleba
- species
- Eucalyptus cullenii x Eucalyptus melanophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus cunninghamii
- species
- Eucalyptus cuprea
- species
- Eucalyptus cupularis
- species
- Eucalyptus curtisii
- species
- Eucalyptus cuspidata
- species
- Eucalyptus cuspidata x Eucalyptus retusa
- species
- Eucalyptus cyanophylla
- species
- Eucalyptus cyclostoma
- species
- Eucalyptus cylindriflora
- species
- Eucalyptus cylindrocarpa
- species
- Eucalyptus cypellocarpa
- species
- Eucalyptus dalrympleana
- species
- Eucalyptus dalrympleana x Eucalyptus viminalis
- species
- Eucalyptus dalveenica
- species
- Eucalyptus dawsonii
- species
- Eucalyptus dealbata ex
- species
- Eucalyptus dealbata ex x Eucalyptus prava
- species
- Eucalyptus deanei
- species
- Eucalyptus decaisneana
- species
- Eucalyptus decipiens
- species
- Eucalyptus decolor
- species
- Eucalyptus decorticans ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus decorticans ( ) x Eucalyptus melanophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus decurva
- species
- Eucalyptus deflexa
- species
- Eucalyptus deglupta
- species
- Eucalyptus delegatensis
- species
- Eucalyptus delicata
- species
- Eucalyptus dendromorpha ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus densa
- species
- Eucalyptus denticulata
- species
- Eucalyptus depauperata
- species
- Eucalyptus desmondensis
- species
- Eucalyptus deuaensis
- species
- Eucalyptus dielsii
- species
- Eucalyptus dielsii x Eucalyptus platypus
- species
- Eucalyptus diminuta
- species
- Eucalyptus diptera
- species
- Eucalyptus discreta
- species
- Eucalyptus dissimulata
- species
- Eucalyptus distans
- species
- Eucalyptus distuberosa
- species
- Eucalyptus diversicolor
- species
- Eucalyptus dives
- species
- Eucalyptus dives x Eucalyptus radiata ex
- species
- Eucalyptus dolichocarpa x Eucalyptus setosa
- species
- Eucalyptus dolichocera
- species
- Eucalyptus dolichorhyncha ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus dolorosa
- species
- Eucalyptus doratoxylon
- species
- Eucalyptus dorrienii x Eucalyptus obesa
- species
- Eucalyptus dorrigoensis ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus drepanophylla ex x Eucalyptus melanophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus drepanophylla ex x Eucalyptus populnea
- species
- Eucalyptus drepanophylla ex x Eucalyptus shirleyi
- species
- Eucalyptus drummondii
- species
- Eucalyptus dumosa ex
- species
- Eucalyptus dundasii
- species
- Eucalyptus dunnii
- species
- Eucalyptus dura
- species
- Eucalyptus dwyeri
- species
- Eucalyptus ebbanoensis
- species
- Eucalyptus ecdysiastes ex - Eucalyptus foecunda
- species
- Eucalyptus ecdysiastes ex - Eucalyptus horistes
- species
- Eucalyptus ecdysiastes ex - Eucalyptus latens
- species
- Eucalyptus ecdysiastes ex - Eucalyptus lunata
- species
- Eucalyptus ecostata ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus educta
- species
- Eucalyptus efflorescens ex - Eucalyptus horistes
- species
- Eucalyptus effusa
- species
- Eucalyptus elaeophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus elliptica ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus erectifolia
- species
- Eucalyptus eremophila ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus erosa
- species
- Eucalyptus erythrocorys
- species
- Eucalyptus erythronema
- species
- Eucalyptus eudesmioides
- species
- Eucalyptus eugenioides ex
- species
- Eucalyptus ewartiana
- species
- Eucalyptus exigua
- species
- Eucalyptus exilipes
- species
- Eucalyptus exilis
- species
- Eucalyptus expressa
- species
- Eucalyptus exserta
- species
- Eucalyptus exserta x Eucalyptus platyphylla
- species
- Eucalyptus extensa
- species
- Eucalyptus extrica
- species
- Eucalyptus falciformis ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus famelica
- species
- Eucalyptus farinosa
- species
- Eucalyptus fasciculosa
- species
- Eucalyptus fastigata
- species
- Eucalyptus fibrosa
- species
- Eucalyptus fibrosa x Eucalyptus moluccana
- species
- Eucalyptus filiformis
- species
- Eucalyptus fitzgeraldii
- species
- Eucalyptus flavida
- species
- Eucalyptus flindersii
- species
- Eucalyptus flocktoniae ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus foecunda
- species
- Eucalyptus foliosa
- species
- Eucalyptus forresterae
- species
- Eucalyptus forrestiana
- species
- Eucalyptus fracta
- species
- Eucalyptus fraseri ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus fraxinoides
- species
- Eucalyptus frenchiana
- species
- Eucalyptus froggattii
- species
- Eucalyptus fulgens
- species
- Eucalyptus fusiformis
- species
- Eucalyptus gamophylla
- species
- Eucalyptus gamophylla x Eucalyptus leucophylla
- species
- Eucalyptus gamophylla x Eucalyptus odontocarpa
- species
- Eucalyptus gardneri
- species
- Eucalyptus georgei
- species
- Eucalyptus gigantangion
- species
- Eucalyptus gillenii
- species
- Eucalyptus gillii
- species
- Eucalyptus gittinsii
- species
- Eucalyptus glaucescens
- species
- Eucalyptus glaucina ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus globoidea
- species
- Eucalyptus globulus
- species
- Eucalyptus globulus x Eucalyptus cordata
- species
- Eucalyptus globulus x Eucalyptus ovata
- species
- Eucalyptus globulus x Eucalyptus viminalis
- species
- Eucalyptus glomericassis
- species
- Eucalyptus glomerosa
- species
- Eucalyptus gomphocephala
- species
- Eucalyptus gongylocarpa
- species
- Eucalyptus goniantha
- species
- Eucalyptus goniocalyx ex
- species
- Eucalyptus goniocarpa
- species
- Eucalyptus gracilis
- species
- Eucalyptus grandis
- species
- Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus pellita
- species
- Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus robusta
- species
- Eucalyptus granitica
- species
- Eucalyptus granitica x Eucalyptus shirleyi
- species
- Eucalyptus gregoryensis
- species
- Eucalyptus gregsoniana
- species
- Eucalyptus griffithsii
- species
- Eucalyptus grisea
- species
- Eucalyptus grossa ex
- species
- Eucalyptus guilfoylei
- species
- Eucalyptus gunnii
- species
- Eucalyptus gunnii x Eucalyptus dalrympleana
- species
- Eucalyptus gypsophila
- species
- Eucalyptus haemastoma
- species
- Eucalyptus hallii
- species
- Eucalyptus halophila
- species
- Eucalyptus hawkeri
- species
- Eucalyptus hebetifolia
- species
- Eucalyptus helidonica
- species
- Eucalyptus herbertiana
- species
- Eucalyptus histophylla
- species
- Eucalyptus horistes
- species
- Eucalyptus houseana ex
- species
- Eucalyptus howittiana
- species
- Eucalyptus hypostomatica
- species
- Eucalyptus ignorabilis
- species
- Eucalyptus ignorabilis s.s.
- species
- Eucalyptus imitans
- species
- Eucalyptus imlayensis
- species
- Eucalyptus incerata
- species
- Eucalyptus incrassata
- species
- Eucalyptus indurata
- species
- Eucalyptus infera
- species
- Eucalyptus infracorticata
- species
- Eucalyptus insularis
- species
- Eucalyptus interstans
- species
- Eucalyptus intertexta
- species
- Eucalyptus intertexta x Eucalyptus melanophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus intertexta x Eucalyptus populnea
- species
- Eucalyptus intertexta x Eucalyptus sideroxylon ex
- species
- Eucalyptus jacksonii
- species
- Eucalyptus jensenii
- species
- Eucalyptus jimberlanica
- species
- Eucalyptus johnsoniana
- species
- Eucalyptus johnstonii
- species
- Eucalyptus jucunda
- species
- Eucalyptus jutsonii
- species
- Eucalyptus kabiana
- species
- Eucalyptus kartzoffiana
- species
- Eucalyptus kenneallyi
- species
- Eucalyptus kessellii
- species
- Eucalyptus kingsmillii ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus kitsoniana
- species
- Eucalyptus kochii
- species
- Eucalyptus kondininensis
- species
- Eucalyptus koolpinensis
- species
- Eucalyptus kruseana
- species
- Eucalyptus kumarlensis
- species
- Eucalyptus kumarlensis - Eucalyptus salicola
- species
- Eucalyptus kybeanensis
- species
- Eucalyptus lacrimans
- species
- Eucalyptus laeliae
- species
- Eucalyptus laevis
- species
- Eucalyptus laevopinea
- species
- Eucalyptus lane-poolei
- species
- Eucalyptus lane-poolei x Eucalyptus relicta
- species
- Eucalyptus langleyi
- species
- Eucalyptus lansdowneana
- species
- Eucalyptus largiflorens
- species
- Eucalyptus largiflorens x Eucalyptus populnea
- species
- Eucalyptus latens
- species
- Eucalyptus latens - Eucalyptus olivina
- species
- Eucalyptus latisinensis
- species
- Eucalyptus lehmannii ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus leprophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus leptocalyx
- species
- Eucalyptus leptophleba
- species
- Eucalyptus leptophleba x Eucalyptus melanophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus leptophleba x Eucalyptus sp. (Mt Surprise M.I.H.Brooker 3409)
- species
- Eucalyptus leptophylla ex
- species
- Eucalyptus leptopoda
- species
- Eucalyptus lesouefii
- species
- Eucalyptus leucophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus leucophylla
- species
- Eucalyptus leucophylla x Eucalyptus pruinosa
- species
- Eucalyptus leucoxylon
- species
- Eucalyptus ligulata
- species
- Eucalyptus ligustrina
- species
- Eucalyptus limitaris
- species
- Eucalyptus linearis x Eucalyptus amygdalina
- species
- Eucalyptus lirata ex
- species
- Eucalyptus litoralis
- species
- Eucalyptus litorea
- species
- Eucalyptus livida
- species
- Eucalyptus lockyeri
- species
- Eucalyptus longicornis ( ) ex
- species
- Eucalyptus longifolia
- species
- Eucalyptus longirostrata ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus longirostrata ( ) x Eucalyptus propinqua
- species
- Eucalyptus longissima
- species
- Eucalyptus loxophleba
- species
- Eucalyptus lucasii
- species
- Eucalyptus lucens
- species
- Eucalyptus luculenta
- species
- Eucalyptus luehmanniana
- species
- Eucalyptus luehmanniana x Eucalyptus obstans
- species
- Eucalyptus lunata - Eucalyptus olivina
- species
- Eucalyptus luteola
- species
- Eucalyptus macarthurii
- species
- Eucalyptus mackintyi
- species
- Eucalyptus macrandra ex
- species
- Eucalyptus macrandra ex x Eucalyptus sinuosa
- species
- Eucalyptus macrocarpa
- species
- Eucalyptus macrorhyncha ex
- species
- Eucalyptus magnificata
- species
- Eucalyptus major ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus malacoxylon
- species
- Eucalyptus mannensis
- species
- Eucalyptus mannifera
- species
- Eucalyptus marginata ex
- species
- Eucalyptus mckieana
- species
- Eucalyptus mcquoidii
- species
- Eucalyptus mediocris
- species
- Eucalyptus megacarpa
- species
- Eucalyptus megacornuta
- species
- Eucalyptus megasepala
- species
- Eucalyptus melanoleuca
- species
- Eucalyptus melanophitra
- species
- Eucalyptus melanophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus melanophloia - Eucalyptus whitei
- species
- Eucalyptus melanophloia x Eucalyptus microcarpa ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus melanophloia x Eucalyptus microtheca
- species
- Eucalyptus melanophloia x Eucalyptus normantonensis
- species
- Eucalyptus melanophloia x Eucalyptus orgadophila
- species
- Eucalyptus melanophloia x Eucalyptus persistens
- species
- Eucalyptus melanophloia x Eucalyptus populnea
- species
- Eucalyptus melanophloia x Eucalyptus whitei
- species
- Eucalyptus melanophloia x Eucalyptus xanthoclada
- species
- Eucalyptus melanoxylon
- species
- Eucalyptus melliodora ex
- species
- Eucalyptus merleae
- species
- Eucalyptus merrickiae
- species
- Eucalyptus michaeliana
- species
- Eucalyptus micranthera ex
- species
- Eucalyptus microcarpa ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus microcarpa ( ) x Eucalyptus viridis
- species
- Eucalyptus microcorys
- species
- Eucalyptus microschema
- species
- Eucalyptus microtheca
- species
- Eucalyptus microtheca - Eucalyptus tectifica
- species
- Eucalyptus microtheca x Eucalyptus pruinosa
- species
- Eucalyptus mimica
- species
- Eucalyptus miniata ex
- species
- Eucalyptus minniritchi
- species
- Eucalyptus misella
- species
- Eucalyptus mitchelliana
- species
- Eucalyptus moderata
- species
- Eucalyptus moluccana
- species
- Eucalyptus moluccana x Eucalyptus platyphylla
- species
- Eucalyptus moluccana x Eucalyptus siderophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus molyneuxii
- species
- Eucalyptus mooreana
- species
- Eucalyptus moorei
- species
- Eucalyptus morrisbyi
- species
- Eucalyptus morrisii
- species
- Eucalyptus muelleriana
- species
- Eucalyptus multicaulis
- species
- Eucalyptus myriadena
- species
- Eucalyptus nandewarica
- species
- Eucalyptus nebulosa
- species
- Eucalyptus neglecta
- species
- Eucalyptus neutra
- species
- Eucalyptus newbeyi
- species
- Eucalyptus nicholii
- species
- Eucalyptus nigrifunda
- species
- Eucalyptus nitida
- species
- Eucalyptus nitida x Eucalyptus amygdalina
- species
- Eucalyptus nobilis
- species
- Eucalyptus normantonensis
- species
- Eucalyptus normantonensis - Eucalyptus persistens
- species
- Eucalyptus nortonii ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus notabilis
- species
- Eucalyptus notactites ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus nova-anglica
- species
- Eucalyptus nudicaulis
- species
- Eucalyptus nutans
- species
- Eucalyptus obconica
- species
- Eucalyptus obesa
- species
- Eucalyptus obesa x Eucalyptus sp. Southern wheatbelt (D.Nicolle & M.French DN 5507)
- species
- Eucalyptus obliqua
- species
- Eucalyptus obliqua x Eucalyptus regnans
- species
- Eucalyptus obstans
- species
- Eucalyptus obstans x Eucalyptus sieberi
- species
- Eucalyptus obtusiflora
- species
- Eucalyptus occidentalis
- species
- Eucalyptus ochrophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus ochrophloia x Eucalyptus populnea
- species
- Eucalyptus odontocarpa
- species
- Eucalyptus odorata
- species
- Eucalyptus oldfieldii
- species
- Eucalyptus oleosa ex
- species
- Eucalyptus olida
- species
- Eucalyptus oligantha
- species
- Eucalyptus olivina
- species
- Eucalyptus olivina - Eucalyptus perangusta
- species
- Eucalyptus olsenii
- species
- Eucalyptus ophitica
- species
- Eucalyptus opimiflora
- species
- Eucalyptus optima
- species
- Eucalyptus oraria
- species
- Eucalyptus orbifolia
- species
- Eucalyptus ordiana
- species
- Eucalyptus oreades
- species
- Eucalyptus orgadophila
- species
- Eucalyptus ornans
- species
- Eucalyptus ornata
- species
- Eucalyptus orthostemon
- species
- Eucalyptus ovata
- species
- Eucalyptus ovata x Eucalyptus barberi
- species
- Eucalyptus ovata x Eucalyptus globulus
- species
- Eucalyptus ovata x Eucalyptus viminalis
- species
- Eucalyptus ovularis
- species
- Eucalyptus oxymitra
- species
- Eucalyptus pachycalyx
- species
- Eucalyptus pachyloma
- species
- Eucalyptus pachyphylla
- species
- Eucalyptus paedoglauca
- species
- Eucalyptus paliformis
- species
- Eucalyptus paludicola
- species
- Eucalyptus panda
- species
- Eucalyptus paniculata
- species
- Eucalyptus pantoleuca
- species
- Eucalyptus paralimnetica
- species
- Eucalyptus parramattensis
- species
- Eucalyptus parvula
- species
- Eucalyptus patellaris
- species
- Eucalyptus patens
- species
- Eucalyptus pauciflora ex
- species
- Eucalyptus pauciflora ex x Eucalyptus amygdalina
- species
- Eucalyptus pellita
- species
- Eucalyptus pendens
- species
- Eucalyptus peninsularis
- species
- Eucalyptus perangusta
- species
- Eucalyptus percostata
- species
- Eucalyptus perriniana ex
- species
- Eucalyptus persistens
- species
- Eucalyptus persistens x Eucalyptus shirleyi
- species
- Eucalyptus persistens x Eucalyptus xanthoclada
- species
- Eucalyptus petiolaris ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus petrensis
- species
- Eucalyptus phaenophylla
- species
- Eucalyptus phenax
- species
- Eucalyptus phoenix
- species
- Eucalyptus pilbarensis
- species
- Eucalyptus pileata
- species
- Eucalyptus pilularis
- species
- Eucalyptus pilularis x Eucalyptus planchoniana
- species
- Eucalyptus pimpiniana
- species
- Eucalyptus piperita
- species
- Eucalyptus placita
- species
- Eucalyptus planchoniana
- species
- Eucalyptus planipes
- species
- Eucalyptus platycorys
- species
- Eucalyptus platydisca ex
- species
- Eucalyptus platyphylla
- species
- Eucalyptus platyphylla x Eucalyptus tereticornis
- species
- Eucalyptus platypus
- species
- Eucalyptus pleurocarpa
- species
- Eucalyptus pleurocorys
- species
- Eucalyptus pluricaulis
- species
- Eucalyptus polita
- species
- Eucalyptus polybractea
- species
- Eucalyptus porosa ex
- species
- Eucalyptus praetermissa
- species
- Eucalyptus prava
- species
- Eucalyptus preissiana
- species
- Eucalyptus prolixa
- species
- Eucalyptus prominens
- species
- Eucalyptus propinqua
- species
- Eucalyptus protensa
- species
- Eucalyptus provecta
- species
- Eucalyptus proxima
- species
- Eucalyptus pruiniramis
- species
- Eucalyptus pruinosa
- species
- Eucalyptus psammitica
- species
- Eucalyptus pterocarpa ex
- species
- Eucalyptus pulchella
- species
- Eucalyptus pulverulenta
- species
- Eucalyptus pumila
- species
- Eucalyptus punctata
- species
- Eucalyptus purpurata
- species
- Eucalyptus pyrenea
- species
- Eucalyptus pyriformis
- species
- Eucalyptus pyrocarpa
- species
- Eucalyptus quadrangulata
- species
- Eucalyptus quadrangulata x Eucalyptus saligna
- species
- Eucalyptus quadrans
- species
- Eucalyptus quadricostata
- species
- Eucalyptus quadricostata x Eucalyptus xanthoclada
- species
- Eucalyptus quaerenda ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus quinniorum
- species
- Eucalyptus racemosa
- species
- Eucalyptus radiata ex
- species
- Eucalyptus rameliana
- species
- Eucalyptus raveretiana
- species
- Eucalyptus ravida
- species
- Eucalyptus recta
- species
- Eucalyptus recurva
- species
- Eucalyptus redimiculifera
- species
- Eucalyptus redunca
- species
- Eucalyptus regnans
- species
- Eucalyptus regnans x Eucalyptus obliqua
- species
- Eucalyptus relicta
- species
- Eucalyptus remota
- species
- Eucalyptus repullulans
- species
- Eucalyptus resinifera
- species
- Eucalyptus resinifera x Eucalyptus tereticornis
- species
- Eucalyptus retinens
- species
- Eucalyptus retusa
- species
- Eucalyptus revelata
- species
- Eucalyptus rhodantha
- species
- Eucalyptus rhombica
- species
- Eucalyptus rhomboidea
- species
- Eucalyptus rigens
- species
- Eucalyptus rigidula
- species
- Eucalyptus risdonii
- species
- Eucalyptus risdonii x Eucalyptus amygdalina
- species
- Eucalyptus robertsonii
- species
- Eucalyptus robusta
- species
- Eucalyptus robusta x Eucalyptus tereticornis
- species
- Eucalyptus rodwayi
- species
- Eucalyptus rosacea
- species
- Eucalyptus rossii
- species
- Eucalyptus rowleyi
- species
- Eucalyptus roycei
- species
- Eucalyptus rubida
- species
- Eucalyptus rubida x Eucalyptus aggregata
- species
- Eucalyptus rubida x Eucalyptus viminalis
- species
- Eucalyptus rubiginosa
- species
- Eucalyptus rudderi
- species
- Eucalyptus rudis
- species
- Eucalyptus rugosa ex
- species
- Eucalyptus rugulata
- species
- Eucalyptus rummeryi
- species
- Eucalyptus rupestris
- species
- Eucalyptus sabulosa
- species
- Eucalyptus salicola
- species
- Eucalyptus saligna
- species
- Eucalyptus saligna x Eucalyptus tereticornis
- species
- Eucalyptus salmonophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus salubris
- species
- Eucalyptus sargentii
- species
- Eucalyptus saxatilis
- species
- Eucalyptus scias
- species
- Eucalyptus scoparia
- species
- Eucalyptus scopulorum
- species
- Eucalyptus scyphocalyx ( ex )
- species
- Eucalyptus seeana
- species
- Eucalyptus semiglobosa ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus semota
- species
- Eucalyptus sepulcralis
- species
- Eucalyptus serraensis
- species
- Eucalyptus sessilis ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus sheathiana
- species
- Eucalyptus shirleyi
- species
- Eucalyptus sicilifolia
- species
- Eucalyptus siderophloia
- species
- Eucalyptus sideroxylon ex
- species
- Eucalyptus sieberi
- species
- Eucalyptus silvestris
- species
- Eucalyptus similis
- species
- Eucalyptus simmondsii x Eucalyptus amygdalina
- species
- Eucalyptus singularis
- species
- Eucalyptus sinuosa
- species
- Eucalyptus smithii
- species
- Eucalyptus socialis ex
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 'Mt Beerwah' (A.Bean 6)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. (Boolbunda Rock A.R.Bean 478)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. (Buckland Tableland A.R.Bean 799)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. (Mantuan Downs D.F.Blaxell+ 89/027)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. (Mt Mulligan J.R.Clarkson 5889)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. (Mt Tozer K.D.Hill+ 1862)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. (Princess Hills A.R.Bean 5164)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. (Torrens Creek D.G.Fell+ DF1314)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 1
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 1 (Mongarlow)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 10 (Gibraltar Range-Malara Plat.)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 11 (Lakefield)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 11 (Lakefield; J.R.Clarkson 4846)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 12 (N.W. of Norseman)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 13 (aff.georgei;E of Lake Cronin)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 14 (Mingenew)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 15 (Great Victoria Desert)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 16 (Corackerup)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 17 (S. of Dongara)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 18 (aff.astringens;Kambalp.-Pallin.)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 19 (aff.dundasii;Callion)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 2
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 2 (Warby Range)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 20 (N.of Coomallo)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 21 (Yanchep)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 22 (Northampton)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 23 (Badgingarra)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 24 (E. Nambung)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 25 (Norseman)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 26 (Cape Naturaliste)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 27 (Yandanooka)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 28 (Moresby Range)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 29 (Midlands Highway)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 3 (Wollemi N.P.)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 30 (aff.redunca;Balladonia)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 31 (aff.incrassata;Kamballup)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 32 (Eastern Forests)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 33 (Pingarin)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 4 (Nowra area)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 42 (Newcastle Range; K.Hill 3587)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 47 (Ravensthorpe; K.R.Newbey 9715)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 49 (Scadden - Truslove; K.R.Newbey 8285)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 5 (Dorrigo area)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 50 (Mt Baring; K.R.Newbey 9772)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 51 (Lesueur; E.A.Griffin 2481)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 53 (Wedge Hill; S.D.Hopper 2170)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 54 (West Cape Howe; G.J.Keighery 10001)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 55 (Howes Swamp Creek; M.Doherty, 19/7/1985,)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 6 (Blackdown)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 7 (Herberton)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 8 (Minerva Hills)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. 9 (Mt. Moffat)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Binjour Plateau (A.Bean 687)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Blackdown (M.I.Brooker 3776)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Castle Tower (A.Bean 480)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Castlemaine (K.Rule 8203)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Cattai (Gregson s.n. 28 Aug 1954)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Consuelo Tableland (M.I.Brooker B4884)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Dartmoor (D.Nicolle & M.French DN 5585)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Dunbar Road (D.Nicolle & M.French DN 5466)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Esperance (M.E.French 1579)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Flinders Ranges (D.Nicolle 562)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Fraser Range (D.Nicolle 2157)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Gippsland Lakes (H.I.Aston 1661)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Glasshouse Mountains (A.R.Bean 782)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Glen Geddes (A.Bean 753)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Great Victoria Desert (D.Nicolle & M.French DN 3877)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. H Kimberley Flora (S.G.Forbes 2560)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Herberton (D.Blaxall 1633)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Herries Range (A.Bean 936)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Howes Swamp Creek (M.Doherty 26)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Kalbarri (M.I.H.Brooker 7937)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Kalkarindji (G.M.Wightman 6240)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Killarney (C.R.Michell 2403)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Lake Magenta (D.Nicolle & M.French DN 5509)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Lakefield (J.R.Clarkson 4846)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Lerderderg (K.Rule 7303)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Little Sandy Desert (D.Nicolle & M.French DN 4304)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Minerva Hills (K.Hill 1190)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Montejinni Station (G.M.Chippendale 2171)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Mornington Peninsula (K.Rule 210)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Mt Garnet (D.J.Carr+ 1672B)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Mt Hope Homestead (E.J.Thompson+ BUC175)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Mt Short (D.Nicolle & M.French DN 3575)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Mt Stuart (M.I.Brooker 8958)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Mulga Rock (K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson KH 2668)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Newcastle Range (K.Hill 3587)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Nhill (N.G.Walsh 6030)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. North Balladonia (D.Nicolle & M.French DN 3620)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Pitta Creek (R.L.Barrett & M.D.Barrett RLB 1677)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Pokolbin
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Queen Victoria Spring (D.Nicolle 524)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Southern wheatbelt (D.Nicolle & M.French DN 5507)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Sullivan Soak (D.Nicolle & M.French DN 5503)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Truslove (M.I.H.Brooker 7499)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Waaje (A.Bean 19)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. Yarrawa
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. aff. E. microtheca
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. aff. fibrosa (Yarrawa)
- species
- Eucalyptus sp. aff. nigra
- species
- Eucalyptus sparsa
- species
- Eucalyptus sparsifolia
- species
- Eucalyptus spathulata
- species
- Eucalyptus sphaerocarpa
- species
- Eucalyptus splendens
- species
- Eucalyptus sporadica
- species
- Eucalyptus squamosa
- species
- Eucalyptus staeri ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus staigeriana ex
- species
- Eucalyptus steedmanii
- species
- Eucalyptus steedmanii X Eucalyptus
- species
- Eucalyptus stellulata ex
- species
- Eucalyptus stenostoma
- species
- Eucalyptus stoatei
- species
- Eucalyptus stowardii
- species
- Eucalyptus striaticalyx
- species
- Eucalyptus stricklandii
- species
- Eucalyptus stricta ex
- species
- Eucalyptus strzeleckii
- species
- Eucalyptus sturgissiana
- species
- Eucalyptus subangusta ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus subcrenulata
- species
- Eucalyptus subcrenulata x Eucalyptus gunnii
- species
- Eucalyptus suberea
- species
- Eucalyptus subtilis
- species
- Eucalyptus suggrandis
- species
- Eucalyptus surgens
- species
- Eucalyptus sweedmaniana
- species
- Eucalyptus synandra
- species
- Eucalyptus talyuberlup
- species
- Eucalyptus tardecidens ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus taurina
- species
- Eucalyptus tectifica
- species
- Eucalyptus tenella
- species
- Eucalyptus tenera
- species
- Eucalyptus tenuipes ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus tenuiramis
- species
- Eucalyptus tenuis
- species
- Eucalyptus tephroclada
- species
- Eucalyptus tephrodes
- species
- Eucalyptus terebra
- species
- Eucalyptus tereticornis
- species
- Eucalyptus terrica
- species
- Eucalyptus tetrapleura
- species
- Eucalyptus tetraptera
- species
- Eucalyptus thamnoides
- species
- Eucalyptus tholiformis
- species
- Eucalyptus thozetiana ( ex )
- species
- Eucalyptus tindaliae
- species
- Eucalyptus tintinnans ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus todtiana
- species
- Eucalyptus torquata
- species
- Eucalyptus torquata X Eucalyptus woodwardii
- species
- Eucalyptus tortilis
- species
- Eucalyptus transcontinentalis
- species
- Eucalyptus tricarpa ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus triflora ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus trivalva
- species
- Eucalyptus tumida
- species
- Eucalyptus ultima
- species
- Eucalyptus umbra
- species
- Eucalyptus umbrawarrensis
- species
- Eucalyptus uncinata
- species
- Eucalyptus urna
- species
- Eucalyptus urnigera
- species
- Eucalyptus utilis
- species
- Eucalyptus valens
- species
- Eucalyptus varia
- species
- Eucalyptus vegrandis
- species
- Eucalyptus vernicosa
- species
- Eucalyptus verrucata
- species
- Eucalyptus vesiculosa
- species
- Eucalyptus vicina
- species
- Eucalyptus victoriana
- species
- Eucalyptus victrix
- species
- Eucalyptus viminalis x Eucalyptus dalrympleana
- species
- Eucalyptus viminalis x Eucalyptus globulus
- species
- Eucalyptus viminalis x Eucalyptus ovata
- species
- Eucalyptus viminalis x Eucalyptus rubida
- species
- Eucalyptus virens
- species
- Eucalyptus virginea
- species
- Eucalyptus viridis
- species
- Eucalyptus vittata - Eucalyptus kondininensis
- species
- Eucalyptus vittata - Eucalyptus spreta
- species
- Eucalyptus vokesensis
- species
- Eucalyptus volcanica
- species
- Eucalyptus walshii
- species
- Eucalyptus wandoo
- species
- Eucalyptus websteriana
- species
- Eucalyptus whitei
- species
- Eucalyptus wilcoxii
- species
- Eucalyptus williamsiana
- species
- Eucalyptus willisii
- species
- Eucalyptus willisii s.s.
- species
- Eucalyptus wimmerensis
- species
- Eucalyptus woodwardii
- species
- Eucalyptus woollsiana
- species
- Eucalyptus wubinensis
- species
- Eucalyptus wyolensis
- species
- Eucalyptus x alpina
- species
- Eucalyptus x balanites
- species
- Eucalyptus x balanopelex
- species
- Eucalyptus x beyeri
- species
- Eucalyptus x brachyphylla
- species
- Eucalyptus x conjuncta
- species
- Eucalyptus x impensa
- species
- Eucalyptus x kalangadooensis
- species
- Eucalyptus x lamprocalyx
- species
- Eucalyptus x lateritica
- species
- Eucalyptus x leptoscyphocalyx MS
- species
- Eucalyptus x macmahonii
- species
- Eucalyptus x missilis
- species
- Eucalyptus x phylacis
- species
- Eucalyptus x stoataptera
- species
- Eucalyptus x tokwa
- species
- Eucalyptus x trabutii ex
- species
- Eucalyptus x urnularis
- species
- Eucalyptus xanthonema
- species
- Eucalyptus xerothermica
- species
- Eucalyptus yalatensis
- species
- Eucalyptus yarraensis
- species
- Eucalyptus yarriambiack
- species
- Eucalyptus yilgarnensis ( )
- species
- Eucalyptus youmanii
- species
- Eucalyptus youngiana
- species
- Eucalyptus yumbarrana
- species
- Eucalyptus zopherophloia
- subspecies
- Eucalyptus canescens subsp. canescens x Eucalyptus vokesensis
- subspecies
- Eucalyptus conica x Eucalyptus fibrosa subsp. nubilis ( )
- subspecies
- Eucalyptus crebra x Eucalyptus fibrosa subsp. nubilis ( )
- subspecies
- Eucalyptus radiata ex subsp. radiata x Eucalyptus stricta
Charts showing breakdown of occurrence records (0 records)
Name references found in the Biodiversity Heritage Library
Data sets | Licence | Records |

The trait data shown here are a selection from AusTraits, an open-source, harmonised database of Australian plant trait data, sourced from individual researchers, government entities (e.g. herbaria) or NGOs across Australia. Traits vary in scope from morphological attributes (e.g. leaf area, seed mass, plant height) to ecological attributes (e.g. fire response, flowering time, pollinators) and physiological measures of performance (e.g. photosynthetic gas exchange, water-use efficiency.)
These traits are a sampler of those available in AusTraits. The data presented here are summary statistics derived from all field-collected data on adult plants available from AusTraits. Since the data presented are derived from the wide variety of sources in AusTraits, both the numeric trait statistics (min, mean, max) and categorical trait summaries (frequency of each trait value) that have been merged together could include data collected using different methods. The values presented for this species may reflect a summary of data from one or many sources, one or many samples from one or many adult plants at one or many locations. They may therefore differ from those presented elsewhere on the ALA platform and users are encouraged to download a spreadsheet of the full AusTraits data for this species via the download CSV button to view the accompanying details about the data sources before further use.
Categorical Traits
* Data sources in AusTraits report multiple values for this trait, suggesting variation across the taxon's range and life stages. Please download the raw data with information about the context of data collection to assess whether they are relevant to your project.Trait Name | Trait Value | Definition |
Numeric Traits
Trait Name | Min | Mean | Max | Unit | Definition |