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Occurrence records map (0 records)

datasets have provided data to the Atlas of Living Australia for this genus.
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Names and sources
Accepted Name | Source |
Pimelea ex |
According to:Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (31 July 2018), Australian Plant Census | |
Published in:Gaertner, J. (December 1788), De Fructibus et Seminibus Plantarum 1 [186] |
Synonym | Source |
Calyptostregia heterotypic orth. var. |
Published in:Foster, C.S.P., Cantrill, D.J., James, E.A., Syme, A.E., Jordan, R., Douglas, R., Ho, S.Y.W. & Henwood, M.J. (29 November 2016), Molecular phylogenetics provides new insights into the systematics of Pimelea and Thecanthes (Thymelaeaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 29(3) [194] | |
Aschenfeldtia heterotypic nom. inval. |
Published in:Meisner, C.D.F. in Candolle, A.L.P.P. de (ed.) (1857), Thymelaeaceae. Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 14(2) [515, pro syn.] | |
Macrostegia heterotypic nom. illeg. |
Published in:Turczaninow, P.K.N.S. (1852), Decas septima generum adhuc non descriptorum adjectis descriptionibus nonnullarum specierum. Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou 25(3) [177] | |
Heterolaena ( ) heterotypic |
Published in:Meyer, C.A. von in Fischer, F.E.L. von & Meyer, C.A.A. von (ed.) (1845), Index Seminum, quae hortus botanicus Imperialis Petropolitanus pro mutua commutatione offert [47] | |
Heterolaena ( ) heterotypic |
Published in:Meyer, C.A. von (28 March 1845), Einige Bemerkungen uber die Gattung Pimelea Banks. Bulletin de la Classe Physico-Mathématique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg 4 [73] | |
Gymnococca heterotypic |
Published in:Meyer, C.A. von in Fischer, F.E.L. von & Meyer, C.A.A. von (ed.) (1845), Index Seminum, quae hortus botanicus Imperialis Petropolitanus pro mutua commutatione offert [46] | |
Calyptrostegia heterotypic |
Published in:Meyer, C.A. von (28 March 1845), Einige Bemerkungen uber die Gattung Pimelea Banks. Bulletin de la Classe Physico-Mathématique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg 4 [72, 74] | |
Pimelea b. Heterolaena heterotypic |
Published in:Endlicher, S.F.L. (1837), Genera Plantarum Secundum Ordines Naturales Disposita 5 [331] | |
Pimelia synonym orth. var. |
Published in:Loddiges, C., Loddiges, G. & Loddiges, W. (1831), The Botanical Cabinet 18 [t. 1708] | |
Thecanthes heterotypic |
Published in:Wikstrom, J.E. (1818), Kongliga Vetenskaps Academiens Nya Handlingar [271] | |
Cookia heterotypic nom. illeg. |
Published in:Gmelin, J.F. (1791), Systema Vegetabilium. Systema Naturae Edn. 13, 2(1) [19, 24] | |
Passerina synonym |
Banksia heterotypic nom. rej. |
Published in:Forster, J.R. & Forster J.G.A. (1775), Characteres Generum Plantarum Edn. 1 [7, t. 4] | |
Pimelea d. Choristachys unreviewedSynonym |
Pimelea [f.] Epallage unreviewedSynonym |
Common Name | Source |
Rice Flower New Zealand New Zealand |
Rice Flowers Australia Australia |
Rice Flowers Australia Australia |
Name | Source |
Pimelea accepted |
Pimelea ex accepted nom. cons. |
Identifier | Source |
NZOR-6-56024 Taxon current |
| Taxon unknown |
| Taxon current |
| Scientific Name current |
| Taxon Concept current |
| Scientific Name current |
- kingdom
- Plantae
- phylum
- Charophyta
- class
- Equisetopsida
- subclass
- Magnoliidae
- superorder
- Rosanae
- order
- Malvales
- family
- Thymelaeaceae
- genus
- Pimelea
- infragenus
- Calyptrostegia [infragenus] Epallage
- species
- Calyptrostegia intermedia ( )
- species
- Calyptrostegia macrocephala ( )
- species
- Calyptrostegia nana ( )
- species
- Gymnococca microcarpa
- species
- Heterolaena hendersonii
- species
- Pimelea acra
- species
- Pimelea actea
- species
- Pimelea aeruginosa
- species
- Pimelea alpina ex
- species
- Pimelea altior
- species
- Pimelea amabilis ( )
- species
- Pimelea ammocharis
- species
- Pimelea angulata
- species
- Pimelea angustifolia
- species
- Pimelea approximans
- species
- Pimelea aquilonia
- species
- Pimelea arenaria
- species
- Pimelea argentea
- species
- Pimelea aridula
- species
- Pimelea avonensis
- species
- Pimelea axiflora ex
- species
- Pimelea barbata
- species
- Pimelea bicolor
- species
- Pimelea biflora
- species
- Pimelea brachyphylla
- species
- Pimelea bracteata
- species
- Pimelea brevifolia
- species
- Pimelea brevistyla
- species
- Pimelea buxifolia
- species
- Pimelea calcicola
- species
- Pimelea carnosa
- species
- Pimelea chlorina
- species
- Pimelea ciliata
- species
- Pimelea ciliolaris ( )
- species
- Pimelea cinerea
- species
- Pimelea clavata
- species
- Pimelea concinna
- species
- Pimelea concreta
- species
- Pimelea confertiflora
- species
- Pimelea congesta
- species
- Pimelea cornucopiae
- species
- Pimelea cracens
- species
- Pimelea cremnophila
- species
- Pimelea cryptica
- species
- Pimelea curviflora
- species
- Pimelea declivis
- species
- Pimelea decora
- species
- Pimelea decussata
- species
- Pimelea diosmifolia ex
- species
- Pimelea drummondii ( )
- species
- Pimelea drupacea
- species
- Pimelea dura
- species
- Pimelea elongata
- species
- Pimelea erecta
- species
- Pimelea eremitica
- species
- Pimelea eyrei
- species
- Pimelea ferruginea
- species
- Pimelea filifolia ( )
- species
- Pimelea filiformis
- species
- Pimelea flava
- species
- Pimelea floribunda
- species
- Pimelea forrestiana
- species
- Pimelea fugiens
- species
- Pimelea gigandra
- species
- Pimelea gilgiana
- species
- Pimelea glauca
- species
- Pimelea gnidia
- species
- Pimelea graniticola
- species
- Pimelea haematostachya
- species
- Pimelea halophila
- species
- Pimelea hendersoniana
- species
- Pimelea heterophylla
- species
- Pimelea hewardiana
- species
- Pimelea hirsuta
- species
- Pimelea hirta
- species
- Pimelea hispida
- species
- Pimelea holroydii
- species
- Pimelea humilis
- species
- Pimelea ignota
- species
- Pimelea imbricata
- species
- Pimelea interioris
- species
- Pimelea lanata
- species
- Pimelea lanceolata
- species
- Pimelea latifolia
- species
- Pimelea lehmanniana
- species
- Pimelea leiophylla
- species
- Pimelea leptospermoides
- species
- Pimelea leptostachya
- species
- Pimelea leucantha
- species
- Pimelea ligustrina
- species
- Pimelea linifolia
- species
- Pimelea longiflora
- species
- Pimelea longifolia
- species
- Pimelea lyallii
- species
- Pimelea macrostegia ( )
- species
- Pimelea mesoa
- species
- Pimelea micrantha ex
- species
- Pimelea microcephala
- species
- Pimelea microphylla
- species
- Pimelea milliganii
- species
- Pimelea mimosa
- species
- Pimelea mollis
- species
- Pimelea neoanglica
- species
- Pimelea neokyrea
- species
- Pimelea nitens
- species
- Pimelea nivea
- species
- Pimelea notia
- species
- Pimelea octophylla
- species
- Pimelea oreophila
- species
- Pimelea orthia
- species
- Pimelea orthocephala
- species
- Pimelea pagophila
- species
- Pimelea pauciflora
- species
- Pimelea paxtonii
- species
- Pimelea pelinos
- species
- Pimelea pendens
- species
- Pimelea penicillaris
- species
- Pimelea petrophila
- species
- Pimelea phylicoides
- species
- Pimelea physodes
- species
- Pimelea plurinervia
- species
- Pimelea poppelwellii
- species
- Pimelea preissii
- species
- Pimelea prostrata
- species
- Pimelea pseudolyallii
- species
- Pimelea punicea
- species
- Pimelea pygmaea ex
- species
- Pimelea rara
- species
- Pimelea rigida
- species
- Pimelea rosea
- species
- Pimelea rupestris
- species
- Pimelea sanguinea
- species
- Pimelea sericea
- species
- Pimelea sericeovillosa
- species
- Pimelea sericostachya
- species
- Pimelea serpyllifolia
- species
- Pimelea sessilis
- species
- Pimelea similis
- species
- Pimelea simplex
- species
- Pimelea sp. 1 (Grampians)
- species
- Pimelea sp. 2 (Lake King)
- species
- Pimelea sp. 3 (Mt. Gibbs)
- species
- Pimelea sp. 4 (Mt. Ney)
- species
- Pimelea sp. 5 (Palm Valley)
- species
- Pimelea sp. 6 (Warrumbungle Range)
- species
- Pimelea sp. C
- species
- Pimelea sp. Donydji (C.R.Dunlop 8498)
- species
- Pimelea sp. Tarin Rock (E.J.Croxford 2118)
- species
- Pimelea sp. Tunbridge (A.Moscal 9026)
- species
- Pimelea spectabilis
- species
- Pimelea spicata
- species
- Pimelea spiculigera
- species
- Pimelea spinescens
- species
- Pimelea sporadica
- species
- Pimelea stricta
- species
- Pimelea strigosa
- species
- Pimelea suaveolens
- species
- Pimelea subvillifera ( )
- species
- Pimelea sulphurea
- species
- Pimelea suteri
- species
- Pimelea sylvestris
- species
- Pimelea telura
- species
- Pimelea tinctoria
- species
- Pimelea tomentosa
- species
- Pimelea traversii
- species
- Pimelea treyvaudii ex
- species
- Pimelea trichostachya
- species
- Pimelea umbratica ex
- species
- Pimelea urvilleana
- species
- Pimelea venosa
- species
- Pimelea villifera
- species
- Pimelea villosa
- species
- Pimelea williamsonii
- species
- Pimelea xenica
- species
- Thecanthes sp. 1 (Donydji; C.R.Dunlop 8498)
Charts showing breakdown of occurrence records (0 records)
Name references found in the Biodiversity Heritage Library
Data sets | Licence | Records |

The trait data shown here are a selection from AusTraits, an open-source, harmonised database of Australian plant trait data, sourced from individual researchers, government entities (e.g. herbaria) or NGOs across Australia. Traits vary in scope from morphological attributes (e.g. leaf area, seed mass, plant height) to ecological attributes (e.g. fire response, flowering time, pollinators) and physiological measures of performance (e.g. photosynthetic gas exchange, water-use efficiency.)
These traits are a sampler of those available in AusTraits. The data presented here are summary statistics derived from all field-collected data on adult plants available from AusTraits. Since the data presented are derived from the wide variety of sources in AusTraits, both the numeric trait statistics (min, mean, max) and categorical trait summaries (frequency of each trait value) that have been merged together could include data collected using different methods. The values presented for this species may reflect a summary of data from one or many sources, one or many samples from one or many adult plants at one or many locations. They may therefore differ from those presented elsewhere on the ALA platform and users are encouraged to download a spreadsheet of the full AusTraits data for this species via the download CSV button to view the accompanying details about the data sources before further use.
Categorical Traits
* Data sources in AusTraits report multiple values for this trait, suggesting variation across the taxon's range and life stages. Please download the raw data with information about the context of data collection to assess whether they are relevant to your project.Trait Name | Trait Value | Definition |
Numeric Traits
Trait Name | Min | Mean | Max | Unit | Definition |