Occurrence records map (0 records)

500 km
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datasets have provided data to the Atlas of Living Australia for this species.

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Names and sources

Accepted Name Source
Acacia myrtifolia (Sm.) Willd.
  • APC
According to:Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census
Published in:Willdenow, C.L. (April 1806), Species Plantarum Edn. 4, 4(2) [1054]

In SA two varieties have been recognised until recently: A. myrtifolia var. angustifolia and var. myrtifolia, but their status is currently under review. Elsewhere varieties are not distinguished.

Synonym Source
Acacia acutifolia Maiden & Blakely heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Maiden, J.H. & Blakely, W.F. (1927), Descriptions of fifty new species and six varieties of western and northern Australian Acacias, and notes on four other species. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 13 [14, t. xi.]
Acacia myrtifolia var. angustifolia (Benth.) W.Fitzg. heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Fitzgerald, W.V. (1904), Notes on some West Australian species of Acacia. Journal of the West Australian Natural History Society 2(1) [50]
Acacia myrtifolia f. normalis Benth. heterotypic nom. inval.
  • APC
Published in:Bentham, G. (5 October 1864), Flora Australiensis 2 [377]
Acacia myrtifolia f. angustifolia Benth. heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Bentham, G. (5 October 1864), Flora Australiensis 2 [377]
Acacia myrtifolia (Sm.) Willd. f. myrtifolia homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Bentham, G. (5 October 1864), Flora Australiensis 2 [377]
Acacia marginata var. brevifolia Regel heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Regel, E.A. von in Regel, E.A. von (ed.) (1853), Gartenflora 2 [196, t. 57]
Acacia myrtifolia var. major Meisn. heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Meisner, C.D.F. in Lehmann, J.G.C. (ed.) (1848), Leguminosae. Plantae Preissianae 2(2-3) [203]
Acacia myrtifolia (Sm.) Willd. var. myrtifolia homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Meisner, C.D.F. in Lehmann, J.G.C. (ed.) (1848), Leguminosae. Plantae Preissianae 2(2-3) [203]
Acacia pawlikowskyana Ohlend. heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Ohlendorff, J.H. (1845), Neue Allgemeine Deutsche Garten-und Blumenzeitung 1 [369]
Acacia marginata var. angustata Meisn. heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Meisner, C.D.F. in Lehmann, J.G.C. (ed.) (1844), Leguminosae. Plantae Preissianae 1(1) [14]
Acacia marginata R.Br. var. marginata heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Meisner, C.D.F. in Lehmann, J.G.C. (ed.) (1844), Leguminosae. Plantae Preissianae 1(1) [14]
Acacia trigona A.DC. heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Candolle, A.L.P.P. de (1840), Huitieme Notice sur les Plantes Rares Cultivees dans le Jardin de Geneve [20]
Cuparilla myrtifolia (Sm.) Raf. homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Rafinesque, C.S. (1838), Sylva Telluriana [120]
Racosperma myrtifolium (Sm.) Mart. homotypic nom. illeg.
  • APC
Published in:Schrank, F. von P. von & Martius, C.F.P. von in Martius, C.F.P. von (1829), Hortus Regius Monacensis [188]
Phyllodoce myrtifolia (Sm.) Link homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Link, J.H.F. (1829), Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am häufigsten vorkommenden Gewachse 2 [133,]
Acacia amoena H.L.Wendl. misapplied
  • APC
Published in:Wendland, H.L. (1820), Commentatio de Acaciis aphyllis [4, 16, t. IV.]
Mimosa marginata (R.Br.) Poir. heterotypic nom. inval.
  • APC
Published in:Poiret, J.L.M. in Lamarck, J.-B.P.A. de M. de & Poiret, J.L.M. (1817), Encyclopédie Méthodique, Botanique Suppl. 5(2) [530]
Acacia marginata R.Br. heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Brown, R. in Aiton, W.T. (1813), Hortus Kewensis Edn. 2, 5 [462]
Mimosa myrtifolia Sm. homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Smith, J.E. (1791), An account of several plants presented to the Linnean Society, at different times, by Mr. John Fairbairn and Mr. Thomas Hoy, Fellows of the Linnean Society. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 1 [252]
Racosperma myrtifolium (Sm.) Pedley unreviewedSynonym
  • APNI
Common Name Source
Myrtle Wattle preferred Australia Australia
Myrtle Acacia Australia Australia
  • APC
Myrtle Wattle Australia Australia
  • APC
Myrtle Wattle Australia Australia
  • APC
Myrtle Wattle Australia Australia
  • APC
Myrtle Wattle Australia Australia
  • APC
Mytrle-Leaved Acacia Australia Australia
  • APC
Red Stem Wattle Australia Australia
  • APC
Red Stem Wattle Australia Australia
  • APC
Red Stem Wattle Australia Australia
  • APC
Red-Stemmed Wattle Australia Australia
  • APC
Red-Stemmed Wattle Australia Australia
  • APC
Red-Stemmed Wattle Australia Australia
  • APC
South Australian Silver Wattle Australia Australia
  • APC
Name Source
Acacia myrtifolia (Sm.) Willd. accepted
  • APC

In SA two varieties have been recognised until recently: A. myrtifolia var. angustifolia and var. myrtifolia, but their status is currently under review. Elsewhere varieties are not distinguished.

Identifier Source
https://id.biodiversity.org.au/instance/apni/606227 Taxon Concept current
  • APC
https://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/2901160 Taxon current
  • APC
https://id.biodiversity.org.au/name/apni/162110 Scientific Name current
  • APC
http://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/2901160 Taxon unknown
  • APC


Acacia myrtifolia

Charts showing breakdown of occurrence records (0 records)

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Categorical Traits

* Data sources in AusTraits report multiple values for this trait, suggesting variation across the taxon's range and life stages. Please download the raw data with information about the context of data collection to assess whether they are relevant to your project.
Trait Name Trait Value Definition

Numeric Traits

Trait Name Min Mean Max Unit Definition