Search for rkid_genus returned 669 results.

  1. Institution: The Trustee For Mt Rothwell Biodiversity Trust


  2. Institution: Para Creeks Biodiversity Project

    A Citizen Science project that works to identify patches of remnant biodiversity outside of National Parks and Council Reserves. We can then work to protect them. We are still fortunate to have biodiversity very present in our communities. We don’t want to lose that that connection and knowledge of biodiversity. As it teaches us how to better manage and value our local area.

  3. Institution: Northern Rivers Fire and Biodiversity Consortium

    NRFABCON is regional network of public and private land managers, community and industry stakeholders seeking a coordinated, landscape-level approach to the management of fire for biodiversity. The group was established in August 2011 as a key action arising in the Northern Rivers Regional Biodiversity Management Plan to address the threating process of inappropriate fire regimes on regional biodiversity values...

  4. Institution: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

    Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

  5. Institution: Tauss and Associates Biodiversity Consultants

    Biodiversity Consultants

  6. Spatial layer: Western Australian Biodiversity Science Research Priority Regions

  7. Data provider: Biodiversity Conservation and Monitoring at Trigwell Bridge

    This project will fence off a creekline with valuable remnant vegetation, rehabilitate it with revegetation and create a biodiversity corridor that links to a nature reserve. In addition, the project will monitor fauna species present, with a focus on nationally significant species, and control feral animals...

  8. Data provider: Reducing Threats to Biodiversity at Nullamanna, NSW

    Sponsored group, Nullamanna Landcare Group, will undertake this project with the sponsorship of Gwymac Incorporated. This project will undertake collaborative weed control activities in Nullamanna NSW to address the threats to biodiversity from three Weeds of National Significance (Silver-leaf Nightshade, Blackberry and Prickly Pear) and Privet. The project will engage at least 10 properties in landholder Management Agreements where ongoing weed treatments will be specified...

  9. Data provider: Enhancing Urban Biodiversity

    The main works will involve weed control, most of the weed control will be done using a cut and paste method. Works will also include tree planting, flora/fauna, erosion control, threatened species monitoring, seed collection and propagation, Indigenous education and water quality monitoring.

  10. Data provider: Biodiversity restoration in the Moresby Ranges

    Carbon Neutral is a registered environmental charity. This project will demonstrate to the wider community how the emerging carbon market can fund revegetation of degraded farmland for ecological restoration and facilitate indigenous training and employment opportunities.The project site is located in a high conservation value region of the Moresby Range, being a unique and significant landscape backdrop to the regional centre of Geraldton in the northern agricultural region of WA...