Search for SONCHUS returned 37 results.

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  1. genus: Sonchus L. – Sowthistles

    Manga, Pūhā, Pūwhā, Sowthistles, Greco-Latin Name of the Sow-Thistle, Sow-Thistle

    Kingdom: Plantae

  2. species: Sonchus hydrophilus Boulos – Native Sow-Thistle

    Native Sow-Thistle, Native Sowthistle

    Kingdom: Plantae

  3. species: Sonchus maritimus L.

    Kingdom: Plantae

  4. species: Sonchus bulbosus (L.) N. Kilian & Greuter

    Kingdom: Plantae

  5. species: Sonchus arvensis L.

    Kingdom: Plantae

  6. species: Sonchus grandifolius Kirk

    Kingdom: Plantae

  7. species: Sonchus novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) Garn.-Jones

    Kingdom: Plantae

  8. species: Sonchus oleraceus L. – Common Sow-Thistle

    Common Sow-Thistle, Dhiinyaan, Pororua, Pūhā, Pūwhā, Rauriki, Sow Thistle, Common Sowthistle, Milk Thistle, Annual Sowthistle, Thalaak, Sow-Thistle

    Kingdom: Plantae

  9. species: Sonchus asper (L.) Hill – Rough Sow-Thistle

    Rough Sow-Thistle, Blue Sow-Thistle, Rough Sowthistle, Kautara, Pūhā Tiotio, Puhapuha, Raurōroa, Taweke, Tiotio, Wekeweke, Prickly Sowthistle, Prickly Sow-Thistle, Spiny Sowthistle, Rough Milk Thistle

    Kingdom: Plantae

  10. species: Sonchus littoralis (Kirk) Allan (accepted name: Sonchus kirkii)

  11. Record a sighting
  12. Synonym