Search for Litoria ewingii returned 5 results.

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  • Section: Species
  • Lifeforms: Molluscs

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  1. genus: Lotoria Emerson & Old, 1963

    Kingdom: ANIMALIA

  2. species: Lotoria lotoria (Linnaeus, 1758) – The Washing-Bath Triton

    The Washing-Bath Triton, Sea Shore Triton

    Kingdom: ANIMALIA

  3. species: Curveulima litoris Laseron, 1955

    Kingdom: ANIMALIA

  4. species: Lotoria armata (G.B. Sowerby III, 1897)

    Kingdom: ANIMALIA

  5. species: Opimaphora litorea Laseron, 1958

    Kingdom: ANIMALIA

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