Search for Felimare cantabrica returned 9 results.

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  1. species: Daboecia cantabrica (Huds.) K.Koch – Irish Heath

    Kingdom: Plantae

  2. species: Howchinia cantabrica Cózar in Cózar, Sanz-López & Blanco-Ferrera, 2015

    Kingdom: PROTISTA

  3. species: Pseudolacazina cantabrica Hottinger, Drobne & Caus, 1989

    Kingdom: PROTISTA

  4. species: Glomospirella cantabrica Schlangintweit, Rosales & Najarro, 2016

    Kingdom: PROTISTA

  5. species: Pseudoendothyra cantabrica (van Ginkel, 1965)

    Kingdom: PROTISTA

  6. subspecies: Parastaffella bradyi subsp. cantabrica van Ginkel, 1965 (accepted name: Pseudoendothyra cantabrica)

  7. Record a sighting
  8. Synonym
  9. variety: Myosotis traversii var. cantabrica L.B.Moore

    Kingdom: Plantae

  10. variety: Erica lusitanica var. cantabrica Fagundez & Izco (accepted name: Erica lusitanica)

  11. Record a sighting
  12. Heteroptypic Synonym
  13. Site Page: GBIF Spain launches new national data portal – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 20th January 2015 GBIF Spain released its new national biodiversity data portal on Friday, November 28, at an event at Real Jardín Botánico-CSIC in Madrid. The new site——provides free access to more than 10 million biodiversity records from 69 Spanish institutions and projects as well as nearly another million records of biodiversity in Spain published by institutions abroad...

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