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  • Taxonomic rank: Section (Zoology)



Taxonomic status

  1. section zoology: Lejeunea sect. Colura Dumort. (accepted name: Colura)

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  5. section zoology: Aralia sect. Stilbocarpa Hook.f. (accepted name: Azorella)

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  9. section zoology: Lichen sect. Imbricaria Schreb. (accepted name: Anaptychia)

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  13. section zoology: Nothofagus sect. Nothofagus Blume (accepted name: Nothofagus)

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  17. section zoology: Streptopogon sect. Calyptopogon Mitt. (accepted name: Calyptopogon)

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  21. section zoology: Catharinea sect. Polytrichadelphus 1848 (accepted name: Polytrichadelphus)

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  25. section zoology: Jungermannia sect. Anthelia Dumort. (accepted name: Anthelia)

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  28. Synonym
  29. section zoology: Nothofagus sect. Plicatae Steenis (accepted name: Nothofagus)

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  32. Synonym
  33. section zoology: Pteris sect. Histiopteris J.Agardh (accepted name: Histiopteris)

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  36. Synonym
  37. section zoology: Barbula sect. Tortella Müll.Hal. (accepted name: Tortella)

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  40. Synonym