Search for GOODENIA+SP.+(TORRENS+CREEK+E.J.THOMPSON +HUG754) returned 1,028 results.

  1. unranked: Euthemisto thompsoni Stebbing, 1888 (accepted name: Themisto gaudichaudii)

  2. Record a sighting
  3. Synonym
  4. unranked: Procellaria inexpectata thompsoni Mathews, 1915 (accepted name: Pterodroma inexpectata)

  5. Record a sighting
  6. Synonym
  7. unranked: Elates thompsoni Jordan & Seale, 1907 (accepted name: Elates ransonnettii)

  8. Record a sighting
  9. Synonym
  10. Data provider: [C4OC] Traditional Ecological Knowledge Recording and Management in Torres Strait

    The Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) sub-project will enable TSRA to support Torres Strait communities to record and manage data about the cultural and natural values of Torres Strait through the establishment and maintenance of a regional TEK system. The TEK system is a computer database that acts as a knowledge repository, allowing for the capture, storage, management and controlled sharing of TEK...

  11. Data provider: [C4OC] Torres Strait Regional Landcare Facilitator

    The project will employ a Regional Landcare Facilitator (RLF) who will assist Indigenous communities throughout Torres Strait in developing locally innovative techniques, skills and capacity necessary to produce a larger quantity and wider range of higher quality fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs...

  12. Data provider: [C4OC] Torres Strait Dugong and Turtle Management Project

    This sub-project will provide technical support, scientific guidance and broker stakeholder partnerships with and on behalf of Torres Strait Island communities to achieve their aspirations to sustainably manage dugongs and marine turtles through their Traditional Owner endorsed community-based Dugong and Turtle Management Plans...

  13. Data resource: Seagrass baseline survey for Orman Reef, Torres Strait, 2017

    This dataset summarises benthic surveys of seagrass for Dugong and Turtle habitats at Orman Reefs, Torres Strait. The site data describes seagrass coverage estimations at 279 intertidal sites. Data downloaded May 2020 from

  14. Data resource: East Torres Strait Seacucumber Survey 2005

    A population survey of all sea cucumber species was carried out in east Torres Strait in January 2005. The survey was designed to provide information on the stock status of fished species and recovery of depleted species. Habitat data for comparison with previous years was also collected. Details and data files used from

  15. Data resource: Torres Strait Seagrass Mapping Consolidation - intertidal and subtidal data (JCU), Australia

    Between 2002 and 2014 Torres Strait was surveyed to assess seagrass presence and absence, and biomass (grams dry weight per m2) in the intertidal and subtidal zone. Further details and source of the data files from

  16. Data resource: Orman Reef Seagrass Survey, Torres Strait, September 2019 (TropWATER, James Cook University)

    This dataset summarises intertidal benthic surveys of Kai and Gariar Reefs (Orman Reefs, Torres Strait) in September 2019. This project is part of ongoing long-term monitoring of intertidal reef-top seagrass in Torres Strait, and follows on from a baseline survey of Orman Reefs in September 2017. It describes seagrasses at two of the largest reefs in the Orman Reef complex Kai (Koey Maza) and Gariar Reefs. Data and metadata accessed on 2021-08-17 from...