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  1. Site Page: Finding Pinot Noir – an example of how to use the Atlas – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 29th November 2012 I like good wine. Fortunately these days, Australia has a huge number of excellent value wines. After many years enjoying Australia’s wonderful Shiraz, I’ve transitioned through Cabernets to Pinot Noir. However, finding good Pinot Noir is a lot harder than finding good Shiraz. So that brings me to the point of this article. Maybe you want […] By Lee Belbin I like good wine. Fortunately these days, Australia has a huge number of excellent value wines...

  2. Site Page: Data processing – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 9th October 2013 We are regularly asked about how we process and manage data. This blog provides a reasonably technical overview of: some of the processes occurrence data goes through; how the results of this processing are visible to users; and how users can explore and filter data to be “fit for purpose” Note that these processes continue to evolve over time to better detect issues and address your needs so your feedback is welcome...

  3. Site Page: ALA-cited publications – Atlas of Living Australia

    Have you used the ALA in your published (or soon-to-be published) research? Please let us know about it via this form. We’re interested in all types of research that the ALA supports including research publications in scientific journals, reports, book chapters, theses, as well as websites and apps. Online bibliography This bibliography provides a list of known publications that have utilised data in the ALA or ALA infrastructure to support their research...