Search for Meridiastra medius returned 94 results.

  1. species: Blechnum rupestre (Kaulf. ex Link) Christenh. x Blechnum medium (R.Br.) Christenh.

  2. unranked: Ectocyclops phaleratus medius Kiefer, 1930 - miscellaneous literature

  3. Record a sighting
  4. Miscellaneous Literature
  5. unranked: Ectocyclops medius Kiefer, F., 1930 - miscellaneous literature

  6. Record a sighting
  7. Miscellaneous Literature
  8. Biodiversity Science project: Mangrove Monitoring - Jawbone Marine Sanctuary

    This monitoring program aims to provide a long-term citizen-science monitoring to detect medium and large scale changes in the condition and extent of the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary mangrove patch, determine the above ground biomass and sediment accumulation of carbon, and allow for adaptive, evidence-based management of the site.

  9. Biodiversity Science project: Driving Corridor Connectivity in the Central Tablelands

    Driving Corridor Connectivity in the Central Tablelands Project has 3 core objectives: 1. Enhance the ecological condition and connectivity of Grassy Box Woodlands focussing on high value roadside vegetation corridors and adjacent land; 2. Reduce the extent and cover of environmental weeds in high conservation value Grassy Box Woodlands roadside vegetation and adjacent land; 3...

  10. Biodiversity Science project: GIRT Scientific Diver

    GIRT scientific divers are taught to document the condition of their 'adopted' shipwreck site using the GIRT methodology. GIRT members will record a range of observable and measurable data in conjunction with systematic photographic condition reporting of their site. Wrecks are assessed by the GIRT member for threats to their sites preservation allocating a threat assessment level of low, medium, high or severe. All data is entered through the GIRT website (www.girtsd...

  11. Biodiversity Science project: Tag A Tiny

    Fish for Science! Help the Large Pelagics Research Center improve scientific understanding of large pelagic species by supporting and participating in co-operative research projects. The Large Pelagics Research Center kicked off the Tag A Tiny program in 2005 to study the annual migration paths and habits of juvenile Atlantic bluefin tuna...

  12. Biodiversity Science project: Doing It Together Science, DITOs

    Doing It Together Science Citizens have a major role to play in addressing the challenges to a sustainable future. It is by 'doing science together' that we combine our resources and expertise to raise awareness, build capacity, and innovative lasting solutions grounded in society. We address the call for Pan-European public outreach in science with and for society, through a tangible 'Do It Together' (DIY) method for wide and deep public engagement and participation in science...

  13. Site Page: WildCount: Help sift through animal selfies for science! – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 14th August 2015 The Atlas of Living Australia is set to receive a dataset that is bursting with thousands of ‘wildlife selfies’ which will eventually find their way onto the species profiles of the site. You can help by identifying the cheeky animals in these photos through the DigiVol portal...

  14. Site Page: eDNA records now available on ALA – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 11th February 2020 From monitoring fish species on reefs to mapping microbes in soils or searching for evidence of a monster in Loch Ness, eDNA based surveys are a scientific frontier. Short for environmental DNA, eDNA is the DNA found in cells shed by plants, animals and microbes into the environment, just as we shed hair and skin cells...