Search for Paraplotosus butleri returned 73 results.

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  1. Site Page: ‘FieldData software’ – citizen science training course – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 28th February 2012 The Atlas of Living Australia recently held a successful three day training workshop for a group of current and new users in the use of its FieldData software...

  2. Site Page: July / August 2010 newsletter summary – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 25th August 2010 August 2010 - articles and reports, media releases, conferences and workshops, biodiversity weblinks Atlas activities Lynne Sealie, Communications Manager, Atlas of Living Australia, reports on the launch of the Atlas. The official launch of the Atlas was performed by Minister Kim Carr at the Melbourne Museum in late July...

  3. Site Page: ALA-cited publications – Atlas of Living Australia

    Have you used the ALA in your published (or soon-to-be published) research? Please let us know about it via this form. We’re interested in all types of research that the ALA supports including research publications in scientific journals, reports, book chapters, theses, as well as websites and apps. Online bibliography This bibliography provides a list of known publications that have utilised data in the ALA or ALA infrastructure to support their research...