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  1. Biodiversity Science project: PlatypusWatch

    Though protected as a native species under State and Federal legislation, the platypus warrants no specific management or conservation requirements and is essentially afforded the same consideration as abundant native species such as the magpie, eastern grey kangaroo, and kookaburra. This is primarily due to platypus being IUCN listed in the ‘of least concern’ category...

  2. Biodiversity Science project: A Tree's Life

    A Tree’s Life is a project to monitor red maple growth in your yard. We even give you the supplies. It’s really just one supply called a dendrometer, and it does most of the work. So if you have a red maple (Acer rubrum) in your yard, and a few minutes of free time per year we would like your help in monitoring the growth of your tree...

  3. Biodiversity Science project: Chimp&See

    Studies of human evolution often focus on the fossils and artifacts left by our early ancestors. However, we can also make inferences about human origins by studying our closest living relatives: chimpanzees, the great apes of West and Central Africa. Because humans and chimps are so closely related, patterns in chimpanzee behavior may tell us quite a bit about how the earliest humans lived and evolved...

  4. Biodiversity Science project: Fresh Data- Atlantic seabirds and whales lost in the Pacific

    Welcome to Atlantic seabirds and whales lost in the Pacific! We are eager for online reports of particular wildlife, accompanied by photographs. Accelerated loss of sea ice in the Arctic is opening routes connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans for longer periods each year. These changes may increase the ease and frequency with which marine birds and mammals move between the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean basins...

  5. Biodiversity Science project: Fresh Data - Pacific seabirds and whales lost in the Atlantic

    Welcome to Pacific seabirds and whales lost in the Atlantic! We are eager for online reports of particular wildlife, accompanied by photographs. Accelerated loss of sea ice in the Arctic is opening routes connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans for longer periods each year. These changes may increase the ease and frequency with which marine birds and mammals move between the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean basins...

  6. Support article: Uploading resources

    To upload resources to your project you will need to be a project admin. Go to the Admin tab and click on ‘Resources’ and then ‘Attach Document’. Fill out the document information and the use the ‘Attach file’ button to upload your resource...

  7. Support article: Writing good metadata

    What is metadata? Metadata is data about data – but not necessarily the actual content of the data. Examples of metadata include information about who authored the data, when, and what sort of keywords best describe the data and its collection process. Good quality metadata raises the quality of a dataset, because metadata helps make data FAIR – findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable...

  8. Site Page: The Tracks App: a bi-lingual mobile app exploring biodiversity in an indigenous context – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 22nd March 2018 Rangers from the Central Land Council (CLC) now have the capacity to track threatened species in both English and Warlpiri as part of a comprehensive data collection, storage and management system supported by the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA). On Monday this week the Central Land Council rangers and other staff joined Australia’s Threatened Species Commissioner Dr Sally Box near Alice Springs to launch The Tracks App at the annual ranger camp...

  9. Biodiversity Science project: Hush City

    With Hush City app, you are an active part of a soundscape and citizen science research project to map and evaluate everyday quiet areas. Our cities are becoming noisier by the hour. Only in Europe, over 125 million people are affected by noise pollution from traffic every year, and apparently, quietness is becoming a luxury available only to a few of us. By using this free mobile app, you will contribute to making quietness available to all those appreciate it...

  10. Biodiversity Science project: Farm dams as refuges for freshwater plants and animals in a drying climate.

    The climate of the south-west region of WA is drying rapidly. Already many wetlands and streams no longer contain water at any time. Many other wetlands and streams have changed from perennial (containing water year round) to seasonal (containing water only in winter and spring). Water regime (the volume and timing of water) is the most important determinant of stream and wetland biodiversity...