Search for Glyptoparus sp. [Browse] returned 55 results.

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  1. Biodiversity Science project: Stardust@home

    Join us in the search for interstellar dust! On January 15, 2006, the Stardust spacecraft's sample return capsule parachuted gently onto the Utah desert. Nestled within the capsule were precious particles collected during Stardust's dramatic encounter with comet Wild 2 in January of 2004; and something else, even rarer and no less precious: tiny particles of interstellar dust that originated in distant stars, light-years away...

  2. Site Page: PhyloJive – Integrating biodiversity data with phylogenies – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 23rd October 2012 PhyloJive (Phylogeny Javascript Information Visualiser and Explorer) is a web based application that places biodiversity information aggregated from many sources onto compact phylogenetic trees...

  3. Site Page: BioCollect mobile apps – Atlas of Living Australia

    The BioCollect mobile app allows you to record data for your project (or other projects) in the field on your device of choice. It uses the device features such as the camera, clock and GPS to improve usability and data recording efficiency in the field. You can also use the web app in a browser on your mobile device...

  4. Support article: How to access ALA APIs

    Jump to section: Examples of ALA APIs Explore our species information Find an image's link and attribution information We provide access to our data via a set of REST APIs documented on Swagger. You can find the list of published APIs and relevant Swagger documentation at You can use these APIs in your work to access our open-source data more easily and feed into downstream analyses using your own system...

  5. Site Page: Play the mimicry game with Australia’s velvet ants – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 8th April 2020 CSIRO and the University of Leeds are calling on people to play a short online game that will help investigate mimicry among velvet ant species. A curious kind of wasp Velvet ants (Mutillidae) are wasps that parasitise bees, carefully invading their nests and targeting their larvae by laying their eggs on or in this unsuspecting fresh food source...

  6. Support article: How do I identify a species?

    If you are not sure what the species is that you have observed, there are a number of ways you can get help finding out. Jump to section: Identification help for all living things Identification help for animals Identification help for plants Identification help for fungi More information Identification help for all living things ALA now manages the Australian node of iNaturalist – the world’s leading social network for biodiversity...

  7. Site Page: Searching for molecular data in the Atlas – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 23rd February 2012 The following applies for searching any data set in the Atlas, using facets to restrict the occurrence search result set, for querying the Spatial Portal, and for downloading. We will choose a particular data set, filter (facet) on a particular type of record – in this case those with molecular DNA data, and look for a particular group of organisms...

  8. Site Page: Current projects – Atlas of Living Australia

    Jump to project: Australian Reference Genome Atlas Biosecurity Alerts Core Infrastructure Upgrade Data Quality Extended Data Model EcoAssets Restricted Data Access (recently completed) Multi-regional Bushfire Citizen Science (recently completed) Australian Reference Genome Atlas Project Project summary: At the moment Australia’s genomic data for our flora, fauna and fungi species resides across numerous international data repositories, museums or research labs, making it difficult to find...

  9. Site Page: Unlocking the secrets of a colossal collection – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 23rd April 2020 A team at Museums Victoria investigates a fascinating collection of almost 12,000 butterflies and 40,000 moths, donated to the museum by George Lyell between 1932 and 1946. Portrait of George Lyell, Nada Studio, Sydney, c. 1895 / Source: Museums Victoria Archives, OLDERSYSTEM~03408. Written by Deirdre Coleman (Robert Wallace Chair of English, University of Melbourne), Nik McGrath (Archivist, Museums Victoria), and Simon Hinkley (Entomologist, Museums Victoria)...

  10. Site Page: Faceting and Filtering – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 5th February 2012 Faceting A facet is an a single attribute of a species that has been indexed against all species records in the ALA’s species database; an indexed attribute. In the Spatial Portal facet classes are rendered in the legend and on the map with different colours...