Search for Acanthemblemaria stephensi returned 43 results.

  1. Data provider: Storm Recovery at Port Stephens through Clean-Up and Habitat Restoration #1

    The storms during April 2015 caused extensive damage across the local government area, particularly with fallen trees and extensive damage to bushland reserves. The Green Army team will assist with site assessment of damage and prioritising areas of greatest concern; cleanup and debris removal; and assessment of habitat at sites and follow-up monitoring. Teams will also work on rehabilitation of areas and cleanup of storm debris and pathway restoration...

  2. Data provider: Storm Recovery at Port Stephens through Clean-Up and Habitat Restoration #2

    The storms during April 2015 caused extensive damage across the local government area, particularly with fallen trees and extensive damage to bushland reserves. The Green Army team will assist with site assessment of damage and prioritising areas of greatest concern; cleanup and debris removal; and assessment of habitat at sites and follow-up monitoring. Teams will also work on rehabilitation of areas and cleanup of storm debris and pathway restoration...

  3. Data provider: Storm Recovery at Port Stephens through Clean-Up and Habitat Restoration #2

    The storms during April 2015 caused extensive damage across the local government area, particularly with fallen trees and extensive damage to bushland reserves. The Green Army team will assist with site assessment of damage and prioritising areas of greatest concern; cleanup and debris removal; and assessment of habitat at sites and follow-up monitoring. Teams will also work on rehabilitation of areas and cleanup of storm debris and pathway restoration...

  4. Data resource: MidCoast/Port Stephens Koala Habitat Restoration Project

    The MidCoast/Port Stephens region of New South Wales has a long history of active and innovative vegetation restoration programs. However, there is no central repository for documenting these efforts. Participants in the Northern Rivers Koala Habitat Restoration Webinar in 2020 identified standardised data capture for restoration works as a priority action. This project has been developed to address that need...

  5. unranked: Andricophiloscia stepheni (Nicholls & Barnes, 1926) (accepted name: Haloniscus stepheni)

  6. Record a sighting
  7. Synonym
  8. variety: Nubecularia lucifuga var. stephensi Howchin, 1894

    Kingdom: PROTISTA

  9. unranked: Endocapsa stepheni - excluded name

  10. Record a sighting
  11. Excluded
  12. Site Page: The volunteer coordinator story – Atlas of Living Australia

    Read about the experiences of volunteer coordinators in establishing a volunteer digitisation project. Leonie Prater, Rhiannon Stephens, Australian Museum Leonie Prater and Rhiannon Stephens have worked part time on the Australian Museum Digitisation Project since March 2011...

  13. Site Page: Volunteers tackling digitisation of collections – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 18th April 2018 Digitisation of collections continues as DigiVol reaches 3,000 registered volunteers. Specimen in the Milwaukee Public Museum collection. Image credit: Milwaukee Public Museum DigiVol is a collaboration between the Atlas of Living Australia and the Australian Museum, and was launched in 2011 initially as an experiment in crowd-sourcing. The Australian Museum wanted to see whether there were online volunteers willing to help natural history collections capture data...

  14. Site Page: ALA New Starters – April Newsletter – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 13th April 2011 By Robyn Lawrence, Atlas of Living Australia A warm welcome to all new Atlas of Living Australia staff. There have been many new starters since the last newsletter. Sadly, a few staff have also left the Atlas during this time in order to follow other directions. Joined the Atlas Australian Museum, Sydney and South Australian […] By Robyn Lawrence, Atlas of Living Australia A warm welcome to all new Atlas of Living Australia staff...