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  1. Biodiversity Science project: Hush City

    With Hush City app, you are an active part of a soundscape and citizen science research project to map and evaluate everyday quiet areas. Our cities are becoming noisier by the hour. Only in Europe, over 125 million people are affected by noise pollution from traffic every year, and apparently, quietness is becoming a luxury available only to a few of us. By using this free mobile app, you will contribute to making quietness available to all those appreciate it...

  2. Biodiversity Science project: Kinsey Reporter

    Kinsey Reporter is a global mobile survey platform to share, explore, and visualize anonymous data about sex. Reports are submitted via smartphone, then explored at or downloaded for off-line analysis. The Kinsey Institute is exploring new ways to record and describe people's sexual experiences worldwide. We are also exploring new ways for people to be connected while protecting their privacy...

  3. Site Page: CSIRO – Virtual Taxonomy Laboratory – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 10th April 2010 By John La Salle, Head, Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences In September 2009, CSIRO and the Chinese Academy of Sciences opened a Virtual Taxonomy Laboratory (VTL) between the Australian National Insect Collection and the Institute of Zoology in Beijing. The VTL will accelerate taxonomic collaboration and productivity via web-based activities...

  4. Site Page: Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC) – Atlas of Living Australia

    CSIRO is the custodian of a number of collections of animal and plant specimens that contribute to national and international biological knowledge. Collectively they form the National Research Collections of Australia. Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC) is the largest CSIRO collections and the world’s largest collection of Australian insects and related groups such as mites, spiders, nematodes and centipedes, housing over 12 million specimens...

  5. Site Page: ALA in use: Dave Maynard, Environmental Consultant – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 2nd July 2018 We talk with an ecologist and environmental consultant, about how he uses the ALA to inform environmental impact assessments and offset planning for development projects. Dave Maynard, Principal Ecologist, NGH Environmental, in his ‘office’ on the Central Tablelands of New South Wales with the threatened Eucalyptus pulverulenta (Silver-leafed Mountain Gum)...

  6. Site Page: BioCollect mobile apps – Atlas of Living Australia

    The BioCollect mobile app allows you to record data for your project (or other projects) in the field on your device of choice. It uses the device features such as the camera, clock and GPS to improve usability and data recording efficiency in the field. You can also use the web app in a browser on your mobile device...

  7. Site Page: Morphbank – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 22nd June 2010 ALA is setting up a Morphbank Australian mirrored node. Morphbank is a scientific image repository. ALA’s new Image Repository – Morphbank Peter Brenton and Robyn Lawrence, Atlas of Living Australia. The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is excited to join forces with Morphbank, the long-established international repository for the scientific curation of online biological images...

  8. Site Page: GBIF Spain launches new national data portal – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 20th January 2015 GBIF Spain released its new national biodiversity data portal on Friday, November 28, at an event at Real Jardín Botánico-CSIC in Madrid. The new site——provides free access to more than 10 million biodiversity records from 69 Spanish institutions and projects as well as nearly another million records of biodiversity in Spain published by institutions abroad...

  9. Site Page: The Tracks App: a bi-lingual mobile app exploring biodiversity in an indigenous context – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 22nd March 2018 Rangers from the Central Land Council (CLC) now have the capacity to track threatened species in both English and Warlpiri as part of a comprehensive data collection, storage and management system supported by the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA). On Monday this week the Central Land Council rangers and other staff joined Australia’s Threatened Species Commissioner Dr Sally Box near Alice Springs to launch The Tracks App at the annual ranger camp...

  10. Site Page: GBIF Young Researchers Award 2022 – Call for Nominations – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 28th February 2022 Nominations are now open for the GBIF 2022 Young Researchers Award. This award is an annual program aimed at fostering and recognising innovative research and discovery in biodiversity informatics. The 2022 programme will provide a pair of €5,000 prizes (approx. AUD7,500) recognising the work of two early-career researchers — preferably, one Masters and one PhD candidate...