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  1. Biodiversity Science project: Alien Game

    Computers are getting smarter and smarter every day. A computer can tell you which exit to take off the highway or what kind of books to read. The one thing computers can’t do (yet) is to solve complex problems. And problem-solving is vital for business AND for building better computers! “When you play a game—if you learn to be good at it—you find what it is you should have been thinking about...

  2. Site Page: Sandbox – custom search facets for your data – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 11th October 2012 A few months ago, John Tann posted a blog on how to use the sandbox with a list of names. This blog will focus on point data you would like to use within the Atlas. The sandbox handles species occurrence data but can also be used to upload a list coordinates (latitude, longitude) with any number of ad-hoc properties associated with these data. Scientific names or common names are optional...

  3. Biodiversity Science project: MalariaSpot

    According to the World Health Organization approximately 216 million cases of malaria occur in the world and the disease kills about 655,000 people. Malaria is a treatable infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which is transmitted via the bites of infected mosquitoes. In the human body, the parasites multiply in the liver, and then infect red blood cells...

  4. Biodiversity Science project: Wildbook for Whale Sharks

    The ECOCEAN citizen science program allows any member of the community to be involved in collecting important identification data on whale sharks. Citizen scientists across the world can take a photo of the spot patterns on the skin of a whale shark and enter the photo into the ECOCEAN Whale Shark Photo-identification Library. ECOCEAN will then use this photo as a way to identify the whale shark, determine their movements and if they have been seen in the same area before...

  5. Biodiversity Science project: Philly Unleaded Project

    We launched the Philly Unleaded Project to obtain more precise information about lead levels in our tap water than currently required by law. The Environmental Protection Agency’s Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) mandates monitoring for lead in water at a small number of high-risk homes and ensuring that there is no severe and widespread contamination...

  6. Site Page: 10th Invertebrate Biodiversity & Conservation Conference – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 14th April 2011 The 10th Invertebrate Biodiversity & Conservation Conference (IBCC) / Society of Australian Systematic Biologists (SASB) Conference will be held at St Mary’s College, Parkville, Melbourne from Sunday 4th – 7th December 2011. The conference will be followed by a National Invertebrate Conservation Workshop on Thursday 8th December 2011...

  7. Site Page: Vale Dr John La Salle – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 31st May 2018 It is with regret that the Atlas of Living Australia informs all members of our community that our Director, Dr John La Salle, has unexpectedly passed away. John became Director of the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) five years ago. His leadership made a profound contribution to the expansion of the ALA, and to the national and international biodiversity community more broadly...

  8. Site Page: GBIF Young Researchers Award 2021 – Australian nominations – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 23rd February 2021 Nominations are now open for the GBIF 2021 Young Researchers Award. The GBIF Young Researchers Awards is an annual programme aimed at fostering innovative research and discovery in biodiversity informatics. The 2021 programme will provide a pair of prizes worth €5,000 (approx. AUD 7,700) each, recognising the work of two graduate students—preferably, one masters and one PhD candidate—nominated by GBIF Participant countries...

  9. Site Page: Director’s Update – June 2023 – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 20th June 2023 Hear about the latest ALA news and events. Dr Andre Zerger, ALA Director Welcome to the June 2023 edition of our ALA newsletter. Biological collections play an important role in understanding trends in biodiversity life sciences. With advances in genomics, imaging, artificial intelligence and machine learning, more information can be obtained from physical-biological specimens than has ever been possible before...

  10. Site Page: ACT Gang-gang survey a great success enabled by the ALA – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 7th March 2016 In 2014 the Canberra Ornithologists Group (COG) adopted the Gang-gang cockatoo as its ‘Bird of the Year’ to celebrate 50 years of birding in the ACT. COG developed an exciting citizen science project, the Gang-gang survey, to enlist the help of the community to collect information about the Gang-gang cockatoo...