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  1. English Name: Pindan Two-Line Dragon – Diporiphora pindan

  2. English Name: Two-Spotted Line-Blue – Nacaduba biocellata

  3. Data resource: Plants Of The Green Line - Woolsthorpe Section

    The Green Line is a section of the old Warrnambool to Hamilton Railway Line, the railway track is long gone however the reserve still remains under the control of Victrack. In recent years with cattle having been removed from the reserve, the original vegetation is beginning to re-establish itself...

  4. Data provider: Students' Cloud observations On-Line

    The S'COOL Project involves people (ages 5-99) in real science, taking and reporting ground truth observations of clouds to assist in the validation of NASA's Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) instruments. CERES is an important tool for scientists who study how atmospheric moisture affects our weather and climate. The observations made by S'COOL help to provide another piece of the puzzle...

  5. Data provider: Students’ Cloud Observations On-Line (S’COOL)

    Students’ Cloud Observations On-Line (S’COOL) is a citizen science project in which volunteers make and report cloud observations from sites of their choosing, such as a field trip, vacation, or even a backyard. The project aims to collect data on cloud type, height, cover, and related conditions from all over the world. Observations are sent to NASA for comparison to similar information obtained from satellite. Many people take for granted how powerful clouds are in our atmosphere...

  6. Data provider: Plants Of The Green Line - Woolsthorpe Section

    The Green Line is a section of the old Warrnambool to Hamilton Railway Line, the railway track is long gone however the reserve still remains under the control of Victrack. In recent years with cattle having been removed from the reserve, the original vegetation is beginning to re-establish itself...

  7. Biodiversity Science project: Students’ Cloud Observations On-Line (S’COOL)

    Students’ Cloud Observations On-Line (S’COOL) is a citizen science project in which volunteers make and report cloud observations from sites of their choosing, such as a field trip, vacation, or even a backyard. The project aims to collect data on cloud type, height, cover, and related conditions from all over the world. Observations are sent to NASA for comparison to similar information obtained from satellite. Many people take for granted how powerful clouds are in our atmosphere...

  8. Biodiversity Science project: Plants Of The Green Line - Woolsthorpe Section

    The Green Line is a section of the old Warrnambool to Hamilton Railway Line, the railway track is long gone however the reserve still remains under the control of Victrack. In recent years with cattle having been removed from the reserve, the original vegetation is beginning to re-establish itself...

  9. Data provider: Fencing and Revegetation of Creek Line Flowing into Aldinga Washpool

    This project will construct stock proof fencing and revegetate approximately 750m of creek line which flows from the Willunga escarpment into the Aldinga Washpool Lagoon, a wetland listed in the Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia. The project will result in increased connectivity of riparian vegetation, increased habitat for a threatened ecological community, reduced erosion and sediment loads entering a nationally significant wetland and improved water quality...

  10. Data resource: Newman-Roy Hill Transmission Line Survey

    Ecoscape (2013). Newman-Roy Hill Transmission Line Survey - Version 11. Unpublished report prepared for Alinta Energy.