Search for Pagurus traversi returned 137 results.

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Conservation status in VIC

  1. unranked: Pagrus sarba (Forsskål, 1775) (accepted name: Rhabdosargus sarba)

  2. Record a sighting
  3. Synonym
  4. unranked: Pagrus guttulatus Valenciennes, 1830 (accepted name: Chrysophrys auratus)

  5. Record a sighting
  6. Synonym
  7. unranked: Pagurus lacertosus (Henderson, 1888) - excluded name

  8. Record a sighting
  9. Excluded
  10. Biodiversity Science project: Water Isotopes: Hurricane Sandy

    Hurricane Sandy is currently moving northward along the East coast of the USA (as of 10/29/12), and is expected to collide with a cold front and move inland across the northeastern USA during the next several days. On Friday, WaterIsotopes initiated a call for assistance in collecting samples of precipitation (both rain and snow) associated with the passage of this system...

  11. Biodiversity Science project: High Country Citizen Science at Glacier National Park

    High Country Citizen Science participants are needed to conduct back-country surveys to collect data on the number and distribution of mountain goats and bighorn sheep and presence/absence data on pikas, three species of concern in the high country of Montana's Glacier National Park. This contribution will enable the park to more effectively manage these species and their habitats...

  12. Site Page: Tree of Trees launch – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 6th September 2010 The Atlas of Living Australia is one of the proud sponsors of the Acacia Tree of Trees exhibit held at the “old nursery” site in the Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra. By Robyn Lawrence, Atlas of Living Australia The Atlas of Living Australia is one of the proud sponsors of the Acacia Tree of Trees exhibit held at the “old nursery” site in the Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra...

  13. Site Page: ALA-cited publications – Atlas of Living Australia

    Have you used the ALA in your published (or soon-to-be published) research? Please let us know about it via this form. We’re interested in all types of research that the ALA supports including research publications in scientific journals, reports, book chapters, theses, as well as websites and apps. Online bibliography This bibliography provides a list of known publications that have utilised data in the ALA or ALA infrastructure to support their research...