Search for Haliotis rubra complex returned 187 results.

  1. unranked: Haliotis grayana Sowerby II, 1882 (accepted name: Haliotis planata)

  2. Record a sighting
  3. Synonym
  4. unranked: Haliotis gemma Reeve, 1846 (accepted name: Haliotis varia)

  5. Record a sighting
  6. Synonym
  7. unranked: Haliotis funebris Reeve, 1846 (accepted name: Haliotis diversicolor infrasp. squamata)

  8. Record a sighting
  9. Synonym
  10. Data resource: Euphausiid assemblages of the oceanographically complex north-west marine bioregion of Australia, (2010)

    An area between 29S and 31S in the south-east Indian Ocean was investigated during a multidisciplinary study aboard the R.V. Southern Surveyor (voyage 05/2010) during the austral winter (1721 July 2010). At each of the three latitudes, stations were sampled at 0.5 longitudinal intervals across shelf break and oceanic waters between 111.5E and 115E (Fig. 1). All stations had a water column depth >1000 m. In total, 13 stations form the focus of this study...

  11. Data provider: South Pine River Complex Ecological Restoration

    This project is located at South Pine Sporting Complex (SPSC), Gympie Road, Brendale. All the land is owned freehold by Council. The scope of the project includes staged Ecological Reconstruction including weed management and revegetation of the native riparian vegetation along the adjacent South Pine River and the construction of a trunk network recreational trail along the South Pine River, which will form part of a future regional trail - Mangroves to Mountains...

  12. Data provider: Protecting 'Coastal Complex on King Island' and 'Boggy Creek Geoheritage Site' 2

    This project will build on the first project to protect ‘Coastal Complex on King Island’, a rare and endangered ecological community, and ‘Boggy Creek Geoheritage Site’, otherwise known as ‘tufa terraces’, which are nationally significant and listed in the Tasmanian Geoheritage Database. We will continue control and containment of the coastal weed Sea Spurge to protect these sensitive assets from weed invasion...

  13. unranked: Halioits granti Pritchard & Gatliff, 1902 (accepted name: Haliotis rubra infrasp. conicopora)

  14. Record a sighting
  15. Synonym
  16. unranked: Halioits vixlirata Cotton, 1943 (accepted name: Haliotis rubra infrasp. conicopora)

  17. Record a sighting
  18. Synonym
  19. unranked: Halioits elevata Sowerby II, 1882 (accepted name: Haliotis diversicolor infrasp. squamata)

  20. Record a sighting
  21. Synonym
  22. unranked: Austrochorema complexa Jacquemart, 1965 (accepted name: Poecilochorema complexum)

  23. Record a sighting
  24. Synonym