Search for Coryphopterus humeralis returned 129 results.

  1. unranked: Apolyta humeralis Tepper, 1893 (accepted name: Ellipsidion humerale)

  2. Record a sighting
  3. Synonym
  4. unranked: Agromyza humeralis Roser, 1840 (accepted name: Calycomyza humeralis)

  5. Record a sighting
  6. Synonym
  7. unranked: Rhizophagus humeralis Fairmaire, 1850 (accepted name: Ocholissa humeralis)

  8. Record a sighting
  9. Synonym
  10. unranked: Psittacus humeralis Bechstein, 1811 (accepted name: Lathamus discolor)

  11. Record a sighting
  12. Synonym
  13. unranked: Pyrgulina umeralis Hedely, 1902 (accepted name: Miralda umeralis)

  14. Record a sighting
  15. Synonym
  16. unranked: Sitona humeralis - miscellaneous literature

  17. Record a sighting
  18. Miscellaneous Literature
  19. unranked: Earinus humeralis Lea, 1917 - miscellaneous literature

  20. Record a sighting
  21. Miscellaneous Literature
  22. Biodiversity Science project: Grassland Birds Breeding Ecology Study

    Volunteer opportunity to work as field assistant in a long-term study of breeding biology of various ground-nesting birds (Anthus spp., Sicalis luteola, Ammodramus humeralis, Nothura maculosa).  Volunteers needed from October 10th to January 30th. Minimun stay required: 35 days. Volunteers will stay in a rustic field camp 25 km from the nearest town. Applicants must get along well with others, be willing to work hard, and be self motivated...

  23. Site Page: Hunting the snark – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 19th March 2013 By Lee Belbin (Atlas of Living Australia) and Norm McKenzie (Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia) Mormopterus loriae at Dampier Peninsula 1977 Mangroves are a much maligned group of trees. Yes, most of the time they do not make for a comfortable human environment. In mangroves, you could be up to your neck in mud being bitten by clouds of sand flies and eyeing a 5m croc (who is eying you) in 48 degrees Celsius and 100% humidity...