Search for Scorpaenopsis papuensis returned 120 results.

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Conservation status in NSW

Conservation status in SA

  1. variety: Lepidocyclina verbeeki var. papuaensis Chapman, 1915

    Kingdom: PROTISTA

  2. variety: Triloculina tricarinata var. papuaensis Rasheed, 1971

    Kingdom: PROTISTA

  3. unranked: Gobiichthys papuensis (Valenciennes, 1837) - miscellaneous literature

  4. Record a sighting
  5. Miscellaneous Literature
  6. unranked: Oxyurichthys papuensis (Valenciennes, 1837) - miscellaneous literature

  7. Record a sighting
  8. Miscellaneous Literature
  9. unranked: Amphiprion papuensis Macleay, 1883 - miscellaneous literature

  10. Record a sighting
  11. Miscellaneous Literature
  12. unranked: Scorpaenopsis cirrosa (Thunberg, 1793) - excluded name

  13. Record a sighting
  14. Excluded
  15. unranked: Scorpaenopsis gibbosa Bloch & Schneider, 1801 - excluded name

  16. Record a sighting
  17. Excluded
  18. unranked: Oxyurichthys papuensis (Valenciennes, 1837) - excluded name

  19. Record a sighting
  20. Excluded
  21. unranked: Stenolemus papuensis Horváth, 1914 - excluded name

  22. Record a sighting
  23. Excluded
  24. Site Page: Taxonomist Appreciation Day – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 19th March 2024 19th March is the perfect day to celebrate and share some facts about tax(onomy) in the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)! We sat down with Cam Slatyer who is a Project Manager in the ALA to chat about his extensive experience and incredible stories working across taxonomy throughout his career. Q: How is taxonomy evolving in the ALA and what’s your role in this project? A: The ALA has a fascinating challenge with taxonomy...