Search for Pomachromis richardsoni returned 116 results.

  1. Site Page: Using the ALA to help develop biodiverse plantings suitable for changing climatic conditions – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 11th October 2012 A key challenge for revegetation practitioners is to select plant material that will be suitable for both current and future climatic conditions. There have been an increasing number of revegetation projects established in Australia over the last 20 years. For example, the Australian Government’s Biodiversity Fund, is investing A$946 million to revegetate, rehabilitate and restore […] Acacia dealbata Link. Image by Richardson, R.G. & F.J...

  2. Site Page: ALA New Starters – April Newsletter – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 13th April 2011 By Robyn Lawrence, Atlas of Living Australia A warm welcome to all new Atlas of Living Australia staff. There have been many new starters since the last newsletter. Sadly, a few staff have also left the Atlas during this time in order to follow other directions. Joined the Atlas Australian Museum, Sydney and South Australian […] By Robyn Lawrence, Atlas of Living Australia A warm welcome to all new Atlas of Living Australia staff...

  3. Site Page: Next-generation portals for herbaria and museums – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 29th March 2011 By John Tann and Robyn Lawrence, Atlas of Living Australia The Atlas of Living Australia team is working with the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) and the Council of Heads of Australian Faunal Collections (CHAFC) to think about the next generation of the Australia’s Virtual Herbarium (AVH) and Online Zoological Collections of Australian […] By John Tann and Robyn Lawrence, Atlas of Living Australia The Atlas of Living Australia team is working with...

  4. Site Page: GDM – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 20th June 2012 Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) This is one of the most complex tools within the Spatial Portal. Inputs to this tool are usually a species assemblage (at a higher taxonomic level) and a suite of environmental layers. The primary outputs from GDM are the input environmental layers transformed to best-align with the spatial distribution of records […] Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM) This is one of the most complex tools within the Spatial Portal...

  5. Site Page: 2016 Science Symposium Presentations – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 29th June 2016 Presentations made available from the ALA Science Symposium 2016 at the Keiran McNamara Conservation Science Centre, Kensington, WA, 11-12 May...

  6. Site Page: Environmental DNA (eDNA) in the ALA – Atlas of Living Australia

    Environmental DNA is: “… DNA that is collected from a variety of environmental samples such as soil, seawater, snow or even air [1] rather than directly sampled from an individual organism. As various organisms interact with the environment, DNA is expelled and accumulates in their surroundings. Example sources of eDNA include, but are not limited to, faeces, mucus, gametes, shed skin, carcasses and hair...