Search for Trimma sp. [marinae] returned 1,043 results.

  1. Site Page: Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) – Atlas of Living Australia

    The Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) sits within the Australian Government Department of the Environment, and is Australia’s national focal point for taxonomy. It was established in 1973 to coordinate research in taxonomy and to document the flora and fauna of Australia...

  2. Site Page: Vale Dr John La Salle 1951-2018 – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 15th June 2018 Dr John La Salle: enthusiastic, internationally renowned entomologist who championed open access to biodiversity information. Dr John La Salle, an affable and charismatic scientist who paved the way in digital innovations, died unexpectedly on Sunday 27 May, aged 67. Throughout his scientific career La Salle made a significant contribution to insect taxonomy and spent a decade as Director of CSIRO’s Australian National Insect Collection in Canberra...

  3. Site Page: Empowering future Indigenous land managers – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 7th May 2019 Intergenerational traditional ecological knowledge transfer and Citizen Science by Yugul Mangi Rangers, Ben Kitchener, Dr. Emilie Ens Since colonisation, the coerced centralisation of Aboriginal groups meant that many Aboriginal people were disconnected from their Country. Across Australia there are concerted efforts by Indigenous communities to get back and reconnect to Country...

  4. Site Page: All sites, services & tools – Atlas of Living Australia

    Popular sites & services Search ALA Search species, datasets, regions, localities, environmental layers, and more. Spatial Portal Map, visualise and analyse relationships between species, location and environment. Help Access ALA support articles, user guides and case studies, and contact ALA. Explore your area Enter a street address, GPS coordinates, postcode or place name to find out what species live near you...

  5. Site Page: National Science Week 2020 – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 14th August 2020 It’s National Science Week – time to engage your curious mind and explore the world around you. Check out these National Science Week events being run by our partners and collaborators across the country. There are many opportunities to explore science, attend online events and make real contributions to Australian science...

  6. Site Page: Taxonomist Appreciation Day – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 20th March 2023 Taxonomists work in the field of biological classification, and their work is critical to ensuring we can understand and protect Australian species into the future. To celebrate Taxonomist Appreciation Day on 19 March, we sat down with the Atlas of Living Australia’s (ALA) Engagement Team Lead Dr Ely Wallis to find out more about her career and taxonomy experience. ALA Engagement Team Lead Dr Ely Wallis. 1...

  7. Site Page: July / August 2010 newsletter summary – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 25th August 2010 August 2010 - articles and reports, media releases, conferences and workshops, biodiversity weblinks Atlas activities Lynne Sealie, Communications Manager, Atlas of Living Australia, reports on the launch of the Atlas. The official launch of the Atlas was performed by Minister Kim Carr at the Melbourne Museum in late July...

  8. Support article: Finding Pinot Noir – an example of how to use the Atlas

    November 29, 2012 By Lee Belbin I like good wine. Fortunately these days, Australia has a huge number of excellent value wines. After many years enjoying Australia’s wonderful Shiraz, I’ve transitioned through Cabernets to Pinot Noir. However, finding good Pinot Noir is a lot harder than finding good Shiraz. So that brings me to the point of this article...

  9. Site Page: Finding Pinot Noir – an example of how to use the Atlas – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 29th November 2012 I like good wine. Fortunately these days, Australia has a huge number of excellent value wines. After many years enjoying Australia’s wonderful Shiraz, I’ve transitioned through Cabernets to Pinot Noir. However, finding good Pinot Noir is a lot harder than finding good Shiraz. So that brings me to the point of this article. Maybe you want […] By Lee Belbin I like good wine. Fortunately these days, Australia has a huge number of excellent value wines...

  10. Site Page: Atlas of Living Australia – making field guides accessible – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 12th December 2012 The Atlas of Living Australia now has over 35 million records on Australian species freely and openly available through their website. What is not commonly known is that all the capabilities behind the delivery and visualisation of these records are also freely available via open “web services...