Search for GOODENIA+SP.+(TORRENS+CREEK+E.J.THOMPSON +HUG754) returned 1,028 results.

  1. Site Page: ALA Advisory Board – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 29th September 2017 The newly established ALA Advisory Board held its first meeting in Canberra on 21 September 2017. The role of the Board is to support the high-level direction and delivery of the ALA through provision of vision, advocacy and advice. The Board currently comprises five Members and three ex-officio members, and is Chaired by Dr Patrick Greene...

  2. Site Page: International data quality workshops focus on fitness for use – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 8th February 2018 At a recent meeting in Gainesville, Florida, an international group finalised a standard suite of data quality tests across biodiversity platforms. The issue of data quality has been an important issue for digital biodiversity data since the inception of platforms such as the Global Biodiversity Infrastructure Facility (GBIF) and the ALA...

  3. Site Page: The value of biological collections – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 6th April 2011 By Lynne Sealie, Atlas of Living Australia Australia’s biological collections – do they really matter or are they an interesting pursuit for people with a passion for preserving dead plants and animals? Documented collecting in Australia began when Joseph Banks visited Australia as part of Captain Cook’s expedition in 1770...

  4. Site Page: Using the ALA in the classroom to celebrate traditional knowledge and culture – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 14th February 2018 Former teacher and CSIRO’s Indigenous STEM Program Coordinator Geoff Guymer has a wealth of experience teaching in classrooms across Australia and loves using the ALA. When Geoff was teaching Science and Mathematics at a high school in Altona in Victoria, he frequently used the ALA in the classroom. One example is a game he developed for the students to play as part of the school’s annual celebration of Indigenous culture...

  5. Site Page: Indigenous Ecological Knowledge – Atlas of Living Australia

    In partnership with Indigenous communities working on Country, the ALA is exploring the role of information management platforms in bridging the gaps between traditional and western science knowledge for plants and animals and supporting the health, wellbeing and empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples...

  6. Site Page: Using ALA in the classroom – Classification – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 6th March 2018 Former teacher and CSIRO’s Indigenous STEM Program Coordinator Geoff Guymer has a wealth of experience teaching in classrooms across Australia and loves using the ALA. This article outlines how he used the ALA in a Year 8 classroom, in Victoria, to help teach classification. Using his experience working in remote communities in the Northern Territory, Geoff gave the classification activity a local Indigenous focus...

  7. Site Page: ALA welcomes Dr Diana Day, new Chair of the ALA Advisory Board – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 21st October 2019 We are pleased to announce that the ALA has recently appointed Dr Diana Day to Chair the ALA Advisory Board. Diana brings a wealth of board, corporate governance and research sector experience to the role. Her board leadership has included commercial water utilities, statutory authorities, agri-business, commercialisation companies, tertiary education institutions and not-for-profits...

  8. Site Page: Next-generation portals for herbaria and museums – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 29th March 2011 By John Tann and Robyn Lawrence, Atlas of Living Australia The Atlas of Living Australia team is working with the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) and the Council of Heads of Australian Faunal Collections (CHAFC) to think about the next generation of the Australia’s Virtual Herbarium (AVH) and Online Zoological Collections of Australian […] By John Tann and Robyn Lawrence, Atlas of Living Australia The Atlas of Living Australia team is working with...

  9. Site Page: ALA webinar: Innovations in biodiversity data management – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 9th June 2021 It is now easier than ever to capture biodiversity information, with innovations in smartphones, digitisation and data storage driving massive growth in datasets describing the natural world. This torrent of data brings new opportunities, but also new challenges for organisations that collect, store, and share that information...

  10. Site Page: First ALA records of elusive Leichhardt’s Grasshopper in Arnhem Land – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 20th January 2015 ** This post has been written and produced by the Yugul Mangi Rangers of south-east Arnhem Land, with Emilie Ens and Mitchell Scott (Macquarie University, Sydney). Leichhardt’s Grasshopper Thanks to ALA support, the Yugul Mangi Rangers and ecologists Emilie Ens and Mitchell Scott have entered the first ALA record of the near-threatened Leichhardt’s Grasshopper (Petasida ephippigera) for Arnhem Land...