Search for Rhynchocinetes brucei returned 4 results.

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  1. Site Page: Are you sitting on camera trap data? – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 1st November 2022 WildObs would like to hear about your camera trap work! WildObs banner (TERN) Our friends at WildObs are conducting a review of camera trapping in Australia. This review will help establish a useful synthesis centre devoted to curating vertebrate data. The team are seeking metadata from camera trapping surveys to assist in the project and are offering co-authorship upon receipt of data...

  2. Site Page: The value of biological collections – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 6th April 2011 By Lynne Sealie, Atlas of Living Australia Australia’s biological collections – do they really matter or are they an interesting pursuit for people with a passion for preserving dead plants and animals? Documented collecting in Australia began when Joseph Banks visited Australia as part of Captain Cook’s expedition in 1770...

  3. Site Page: ACT Gang-gang survey a great success enabled by the ALA – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 7th March 2016 In 2014 the Canberra Ornithologists Group (COG) adopted the Gang-gang cockatoo as its ‘Bird of the Year’ to celebrate 50 years of birding in the ACT. COG developed an exciting citizen science project, the Gang-gang survey, to enlist the help of the community to collect information about the Gang-gang cockatoo...

  4. Site Page: 2016 Science Symposium Presentations – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 29th June 2016 Presentations made available from the ALA Science Symposium 2016 at the Keiran McNamara Conservation Science Centre, Kensington, WA, 11-12 May...

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