Search for Pseudoceros sp. (orange) returned 131 results.

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  1. Site Page: TDWG – Biodiversity Information Standards – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 26th October 2009 Taxonomic Database Working Group The Atlas of Living Australia aims to provide users with powerful tools to access well-managed structured data which can be integrated into a wide range of tools and analyses...

  2. Site Page: BioCollect for organisations – Atlas of Living Australia

    Many organisations conduct a wide range of different projects and it is often difficult to obtain a clear real-time view across all projects. BioCollect supports a diverse range of project types and can provide a single point access to them. It also provides aggregated views of collected data and output measures...

  3. Site Page: The path of the emu: mapping 6,000 years of emu movement – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 17th June 2021 By Julia Ryeland, Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University Emus are iconic. They join Kangaroos on the Australian coat of arms and are an essential part of any visit to the outback. They are also among the last of the Australia’s giant animals, or megafauna, giving us a window on Australia’s past giants...

  4. Site Page: Spooky Species – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 31st October 2023 Does it croak or growl, have fangs or howl? Does it scream at night or give you a fright? 🎃 Many iconic living (or dead) things that are seen around Halloween are inspired by species in the natural world! Check out some of the most spook-tacular Aussie species! Goblin Shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) Museums Victoria CC BY NC Goblin Shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) Talk about a creature from nightmares, the Goblin Shark is one of the most illusive deep-sea sharks known to...

  5. Site Page: Reminder: ALA Science Symposium 11-13 May 2016, Perth – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 24th March 2016 Register now – places are filling up. Call for abstracts closes 15 April. Have you used the Atlas of Living Australia in your recent research project? Are you keen to know more about the range of research enabled by the Atlas? Come to the symposium to present your experience or to learn more about what […] Register now – places are filling up. Call for abstracts closes 15 April...

  6. Site Page: A new version of galah available now – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 26th August 2021 We’ve released an updated version of galah, our R package for acquiring data from the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA). galah makes it easier to find, download and analyse data on Australian biodiversity using R, an open-source coding software. Since its initial release in July, thousands of download requests have been made using galah. The new version (1.3.1) brings two exciting features to galah for the first time...

  7. Site Page: User needs analysis – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 11th June 2008 The Atlas is undertaking a user needs study with the aim of understanding how the ALA can simplify, streamline and support biodiversity work. Help us build the Atlas of Living Australia! What can you do for the Atlas of Living Australia today? We need your contacts in biodiversity – lots of them, and from as many different fields as you can identify. We want to ask them (and you) a few simple questions...

  8. Site Page: IdentifyLife launched at the International Botanical Congress – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 28th July 2011 Atlas of Living Australia Media Release “The beginning of wisdom is to call a thing by its right name.” Chinese proverb IdentifyLife was launched at 1.00pm on Thursday 28th July at the International Botanical Congress in Melbourne, a gathering of botanists from across the world. The IdentifyLife project is bringing together a huge range of identification keys […] Atlas of Living Australia Media Release “The beginning of wisdom is to call a thing by its right name...

  9. Site Page: Save the Date – Atlas of Living Australia Science Symposium June 2014 – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 17th January 2014 Make sure you save the date for the second ALA Science Symposium to be held on 11-12 June, 2014. Following on from the success of last year’s symposium, planning has begun for the 2014 event. The symposium will be held at the newly refurbished Australian Academy of Science’s Shine Dome in Canberra. Involving talks, demonstrations and tutorials the symposium will highlight the range of research enabled by the Atlas...

  10. Site Page: Digitisation guidance – Atlas of Living Australia

    The Atlas of Living Australia (Atlas) has access to biodiversity information only because the information is available in digital form. To assist data providers create and manage digital data, the Atlas has been cooperating with partners to produce a range of guidance on different aspects of digitisation. Learn about: What is digitisation? Imaging Using volunteers for digitisation See also Imaging Hints and Tips for information on a range of imaging topics...