Search for Pseudoceros maximus returned 17 results.

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  1. Site Page: ALA Future Directions – National Consultation – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 22nd May 2019 The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is embarking on a national consultation process in order to understand and meet the changing needs of our users...

  2. Site Page: Refreshing our spatial services – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 7th July 2020 We’re starting a review of our environmental and contextual layers to improve user experience and system performance. Spatial information in the ALA Spatial information is a big part of what we do at the ALA. To enable thorough spatial analysis for our users, we sample each and every occurrence record from our data providers against several hundred spatial layers...

  3. Site Page: Call for nominations for the 2013 Ebbe Nielsen Prize – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 10th December 2012 The Ebbe Nielsen Prize is an annual prize established by the GBIF Governing Board to honour the memory of Ebbe Schmidt Nielsen, who was an inspirational leader in the fields of biosystematics and biodiversity informatics and one of the driving leaders promoting the establishment of GBIF...

  4. Site Page: Prediction case study – Atlas of Living Australia

    Where could the Greater Glider be? Author: Dr Jane Elith, The University of Melbourne, School of Botany Dr Jane Elith, The University of Melbourne About the author Ecologists, field naturalists and all sorts of people might ask such a question. The greater glider, Petauroides volans (Kerr, 1792), is Australia’s largest glider, an arboreal marsupial that feeds on Eucalyptusleaves at night and shelters in tree hollows during the day...

  5. Site Page: The Atlas now has over 25 million records – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 30th August 2011 The recent addition of 1.2 million records from the Canberra Ornithologists Group (COG) Garden Bird Surveys data set brings the grand total of Atlas records to just over 25 million! We have occurrence records – specimens, sightings, surveys – together with images, links to videos and species profile fact sheets. The Canberra Ornithologists Group (COG) has been diligently compiling garden bird surveys for 30 years...

  6. Site Page: Foundations for the Future – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 24th July 2014 Foundations for the future: a long-term plan for Australian ecosystem science was launched by the Chief Scientist of Australia Prof Ian Chubb AC last week in Canberra. The final document has arisen from the proposals developed through many ‘town hall workshops’ across the country, and these proposals also form the basis for its implementation...

  7. Site Page: Predict – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 31st January 2012 The Predict option under the Tools Menu helps you to identify where a species could occur – not just where it has been observed! The method used is called “MaxEnt” for Maximum Entropy and was developed by Stephen Phillips. See (Maxent software for species habitat modeling). To start a Prediction, select from the Menu Option, “Tools”, then “Predict”...

  8. Site Page: This is one bird to be cass-o-wary of! – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 26th September 2023 Celebrating #WorldCassowaryDay Err… is that a bird or a dinosaur? Well, both (kind of)! We’re talking about the Southern Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius), often described as one of the closest living relatives of dinosaurs. Southern Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius) adult. Photo Credit Tom Hunt CC BY NC These gigantic flightless birds (‘ratites’) occupy tropical areas of northern Australia and Papua New Guinea...

  9. Site Page: GBIF Young Researchers Award 2022 – Call for Nominations – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 28th February 2022 Nominations are now open for the GBIF 2022 Young Researchers Award. This award is an annual program aimed at fostering and recognising innovative research and discovery in biodiversity informatics. The 2022 programme will provide a pair of €5,000 prizes (approx. AUD7,500) recognising the work of two early-career researchers — preferably, one Masters and one PhD candidate...

  10. Site Page: Director’s message: ALA Newsletter March 2022 – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 8th March 2022 Launch of the ALA Australian Biodiversity Data Mobilisation Program Welcome to the March 2022 edition of our newsletter, in which we launch the ALA Australian Biodiversity Data Mobilisation Program. This new program will provide grants to institutions to mobilise their data to the ALA...