Search for PHYLLANTHUS+SP.+(BRIDLE+LA+P.I.FORSTER +PIF17345) returned 17 results.

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  1. Site Page: Greater Impact through Environmental Infrastructure Symposium – registration open – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 19th April 2017 To celebrate the tenth anniversary of NCRIS, the ALA is partnering with a number of NCRIS facilities to host a symposium to celebrate the collaborative impact of Australia’s environmental infrastructure. The symposium will showcase the impact of 10 years of NCRIS investment into environmental infrastructure, as well as providing a platform to foster new collaborations and shape future innovations...

  2. Site Page: From little things, NatureMapr grows – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 28th February 2023 NatureMapr is a data partner of the ALA, contributing verified citizen scientist biodiversity records to support the awareness and knowledge of species in local areas. Have you ever been mountain biking and discovered that you were inches away from one of Australia’s most endangered orchard species? This was the basis for how NatureMapr came to life! NatureMapr is a citizen science data partner of the ALA...

  3. Site Page: Council of Heads of Australian Faunal Collections (CHAFC) – Atlas of Living Australia

    The Council of Heads of Australian Faunal Collections (CHAFC) is the peak body representing Australia’s major zoological and palaeontological collections, primarily within the jurisdiction of regional, state and territory and commonwealth governments (

  4. Site Page: National Reconciliation Week – making the ALA more relevant to Indigenous people – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 8th June 2016 There are many ways to get involved in National Reconciliation Week activities (27 May – 3 June). At the ALA, we saw it as a great opportunity to kick-start the next stage of our Indigenous Ecological Knowledge (IEK) work, focusing on making the ALA more relevant to Indigenous people and communities. Traditional land management practices and Indigenous knowledge about plants, animals and the environment are connected with people, place and culture...

  5. Site Page: Bringing south-east Arnhem Land stories to south-east Australia mob – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 29th April 2015 ** This post has been written and produced by the Yugul Mangi Rangers of south-east Arnhem Land, with Emilie Ens and Mitchell Scott (Macquarie University, Sydney). The Yugul Mangi Ranger Two-way Biodiversity Project is not just about working in Arnhem Land, but also communicating outcomes to the rest of Australia. For that reason, some of our team recently travelled to Sydney and Canberra for 2 weeks in March 2015...

  6. Site Page: There’s a snake in my code! Introducing ALA’s {galah} Python extension – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 1st May 2023 We’ve just launched an open-access Python extension for the Atlas of Living Australia’s {galah} tool to help you better access our species data. Galah (Eolophus roseicapilla) drinking from a river There are many ways of getting data out of the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA), including tools such as the Spatial Portal, Biocollect, and EcoAssets...

  7. Site Page: ALA National Science Week 2023 recordings – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 25th August 2023 To celebrate National Science Week 2023, the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) hosted three free virtual events. Our events aimed to ignite curiosity, foster learning, and deepen connection with biological sciences and the environment. Whether you were able to join us on the day and want to catch-up on the content, or if you weren’t able to make it, we’ve got you covered with recordings of our three events...

  8. Site Page: 2022 Big Bushfire BioBlitz: Results – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 3rd August 2022 The 2019/20 bushfires across Australia had devastating impacts for humans and the environment. However, these bushfire events also elicited strong community interest in aiding the recovery efforts to rehabilitate the natural environment...

  9. Site Page: The Atlas welcomes two new university herbarium data providers – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 24th March 2015 The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) welcomes two new university herbaria collections: the Janet Cosh Herbarium (WOLL, based at the University of Wollongong), and the La Trobe University Herbarium (LTB). University herbaria are important teaching collections, with specialised holdings that often reflect the diversity of the region in which the university is situated, as well as the professional expertise of the teaching staff...

  10. Site Page: All sites, services & tools – Atlas of Living Australia

    Popular sites & services Search ALA Search species, datasets, regions, localities, environmental layers, and more. Spatial Portal Map, visualise and analyse relationships between species, location and environment. Help Access ALA support articles, user guides and case studies, and contact ALA. Explore your area Enter a street address, GPS coordinates, postcode or place name to find out what species live near you...