Search for Glyptoparus sp. [Browse] returned 33 results.

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  1. Site Page: ALA for community and schools – Atlas of Living Australia

    The ALA is Australia’s one-stop-shop for information on our diverse wildlife: you can look up facts, explore species in your area, and view images of species in the wild and specimens in museums. The ALA also enables you to make real contributions to biodiversity science: you can upload observations, help digitise museum collections, and set up your own community biodiversity projects...

  2. Site Page: “Collectory” – Collections & datasets – Atlas of Living Australia

    The “Collectory” is the system that allows users to search for and view metadata on institutions, collections & datasets Browse specimen collections Search for dataset & data providers

  3. Site Page: All sites, services & tools – Atlas of Living Australia

    Popular sites & services Search ALA Search species, datasets, regions, localities, environmental layers, and more. Spatial Portal Map, visualise and analyse relationships between species, location and environment. Help Access ALA support articles, user guides and case studies, and contact ALA. Explore your area Enter a street address, GPS coordinates, postcode or place name to find out what species live near you...

  4. Site Page: Celebrating 10 years of science impact – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 16th November 2020 In 2020, we’re celebrating 10 years of the Atlas of Living Australia and today we launch a new feature to showcase ALA research impact. Browse through our ALA-cited publications web page and see the many and varied ways researchers use big data for biodiversity. The ALA brings together occurrence record data, taxonomic information, spatial and historical information on species distributions, and environmental data...

  5. Site Page: Contact Us – Atlas of Living Australia

    Need help? Our most read help articles: How do I identify a species? How to cite the ALA How to submit a dataset Browse all help articles for user guides, FAQs and case studies. Our recent news and events: View ALA webinars Read our latest blog articles Contact the team: For technical support and general enquiries, please contact For media and engagement enquiries, please contact

  6. Site Page: ALA upgrade – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 24th June 2021 Between Thursday 24 June and Tuesday 29 June, we will be deploying an upgrade to improve our systems and make them more robust and more efficient. As a result of this upgrade, there will be a planned outage on Tuesday 29 June from 8:00am to 2:00pm. Most of the work is happening behind the scenes, so hopefully you won’t notice any significant changes to your everyday use of the ALA. If you do see anything out of the ordinary please let us know on

  7. Site Page: ALA for researchers – Atlas of Living Australia

    Designed to streamline your research, the ALA enables data access, storage, analysis and visualisation. The ALA brings dispersed biodiversity data to your desktop and provides powerful mapping and analysis tools, so you can refine and interrogate data and make it fit for your use. Explore & contribute Search and download records Search occurrence records in the ALA by species, taxon, dataset, date, location, data provider and more...

  8. Site Page: Education Resources – Atlas of Living Australia

    Classroom Activities Classroom activities are available for all ages from Foundation through Year 12 and they can be easily amended to suit your needs and your local area. User Guides There are also step-by-step User Guides for using the ALA. These guides not only take you through the process of carrying out some of the functions of the ALA, but also link from the classroom activities so they can be easily adjusted to suit your local area...

  9. Site Page: Privacy Policy – Atlas of Living Australia

    Important By using this Atlas of Living Australia (Atlas) website and the Content available on and through it, you are agreeing to be bound by this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to set out how the Atlas will deal with personal information gathered by the Atlas when you visit and use the site. Personal information collected by the Atlas is governed by the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988...

  10. Site Page: Atlas of Living Australia – Open access to Australia’s biodiversity data

    Aetobatus ocellatus (Whitespotted Eagle Ray) by leitchbird (CC-BY-NC) Corymbia calophylla by tmuir (CC-BY-NC) Pteraeolidia ianthina by Peter (CC-BY-NC) Open access to Australia’s biodiversity data 101,540,359 occurrence records 9,757 datasets Search species, data sets, and more Search Researchers Government and land managers Community and schools Researchers Researchers includes ecoscientists, taxonomists, collection owners, tertiary students and lecturers...