Search for Glyptoparus delicatulus returned 3 results.

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  1. Site Page: Australia’s most unwanted: Tackling invasives with The ALA Biosecurity Alerts Service – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 4th March 2024 Helping to protect our biodiversity from the threats of invasive species. The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is Australia’s largest open-source biodiversity data infrastructure. Home to more than 132 million species occurrence records of native and introduced species, the ALA is often the first platform where invasive species incursions are publicly recorded...

  2. Site Page: Empowering future Indigenous land managers – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 7th May 2019 Intergenerational traditional ecological knowledge transfer and Citizen Science by Yugul Mangi Rangers, Ben Kitchener, Dr. Emilie Ens Since colonisation, the coerced centralisation of Aboriginal groups meant that many Aboriginal people were disconnected from their Country. Across Australia there are concerted efforts by Indigenous communities to get back and reconnect to Country...

  3. Site Page: Indigenous knowledge helps fill ecological information gaps in remote Arnhem Land: but is it too late for small mammals? – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 18th March 2019 by Banul Munyarryun, Ben Kitchener, Gill Towler, Yirralka Rangers, Emilie Ens In June 2018, Yirralka Senior Ranger Banul Munyarryun, a respected cultural leader of north east Arnhem Land’s Dhalinybuy community, welcomed Macquarie University staff and other Yolŋu (NE Arnhem Aboriginal people) onto his country...

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