Search for Echidna catenata returned 11 results.

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  1. Site Page: Echidna CSI: Using citizen science to track echidnas throughout Australia – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 1st November 2021 Echidna CSI is a research project run by the University of Adelaide using data collected by citizen scientists to study echidnas. The project has had a huge impact on echidna research and conservation...

  2. Site Page: Tracking elusive echidna populations – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 16th January 2018 Echidnas are notoriously shy and difficult to see in the wild and even though they are one of our iconic Australian animals, we know very little about them. The team behind Echidna CSI want to change that. Professor Frank Grützner’s research group at the School of Biological Sciences, University of Adelaide aims to identify echidna populations on mainland Australia and determine if, and why, they are under threat before taking steps to help their conservation...

  3. Site Page: BioCollect update: New look for our data collection tool – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 17th May 2022 The ALA’s field data collection system – BioCollect – is getting brand new look. The look and feel will be fresher, cleaner and more intuitive. You can still design your own data collection projects, collect data, share your project with partners, and make the data accessible via the ALA – all in a new design. The new design will be rolled out this May. Visitis to get started...

  4. Site Page: ALA webinar: Exploring citizen science in the context of disaster response and recovery – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 4th March 2021 The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) provides access to Australia’s largest collection of biodiversity information via the provision of open infrastructure and tools. Many of the tools available help support citizen science activities, including resources to support communities to respond to disaster events. For our first webinar series for 2021, join us for three talks from leading scientists enabling citizen science in the disaster response and recovery area...

  5. Site Page: Brochures and reports – Atlas of Living Australia

    Quick links ALA Publications ALA fact sheets and brochures ALA impact case studies Partner publications ALA Publications ALA Decadal Vision Atlas of Living Australia Decadal Vision: Growth for Impact (May 2022) ALA Strategy Atlas of Living Australia Strategy 2020-2025 (2020) ALA Year in Review Atlas of Living Australia Year in Review 2022-23 (Oct 2023) Atlas of Living Australia Year in Review 2021-22 (Sep 2022) Atlas of Living Australia Year in Review 2020-21 (Aug 2021) ALA Work Plans Atlas...

  6. Site Page: National Science Week 13-21 August 2021 – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 16th August 2021 There are so many great events happening this week, and many of them are online so everyone can get their science on! Here are a few great events from some our partners. Great Southern BioBlitz The Great Southern BioBlitz is an international period of intense biological surveying that attempts to record all the living species within several designated areas across the Southern Hemisphere in Spring...

  7. Site Page: Indigenous fire and season calendar – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 3rd November 2016 Banbai nation people at Wattleridge Indigenous Protected Area in northern New South Wales are working with Michelle McKemey at the University of New England to develop season and fire calendars. The calendars represent annual seasonal changes as well as biocultural factors that indicate the right, and wrong, time to burn. They are developed using results […] WINBA = FIRE, Wattleridge Fire and Seasons Calendar...

  8. Site Page: Biodiversity Heritage Library Australia: unlocking the treasures in Australia’s biodiversity literature – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 24th May 2021 BHL Australia is a national project working to digitise Australia’s biodiversity heritage literature and make it freely accessible online. View or print this impact story as a PDF The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL is the world’s largest online library of biodiversity literature and archival materials...

  9. Site Page: WildCount: Help sift through animal selfies for science! – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 14th August 2015 The Atlas of Living Australia is set to receive a dataset that is bursting with thousands of ‘wildlife selfies’ which will eventually find their way onto the species profiles of the site. You can help by identifying the cheeky animals in these photos through the DigiVol portal...

  10. Site Page: Celebrating International Day for Biological Diversity with the AU Biodiversity Heritage Library – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 22nd May 2023 How would you look up information on species and natural history? Would you do a Google search or visit your local library? How about checking out the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL)! It’s the world’s largest virtual library of biodiversity heritage literature and archival materials and contains materials published as far back as the 1400s! This incredible resource contains information on millions of the world’s species...