Search for Brachaluteres taylori returned 6 results.

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  1. Site Page: Identify Life: CSIRO Canberra Seminar – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 15th March 2011 Wednesday March 16th Matt Taylor from the Centre for Biological Information Technology will talk about the latest technological developments in the Identify Life Project. 11.00 am, Herbarium Tea Room, Bld 502a, CSIRO Black Mountain. Wednesday March 16th Matt Taylor from the Centre for Biological Information Technology will talk about the latest technological developments in the Identify Life Project. 11.00 am, Herbarium Tea Room, Bld 502a, CSIRO Black Mountain...

  2. Site Page: Weed Identification – A LUCID Key for the Southern Tablelands – Atlas of Living Australia

    Weed Identification Tool – ACT and Southern Tablelands Quick start quide Acknowledgements: N Plumb from Palerang Council and M Taylor from QAAFI Biological Information Technology (QBIT).

  3. Site Page: Taxonomist Appreciation Day – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 20th March 2023 Taxonomists work in the field of biological classification, and their work is critical to ensuring we can understand and protect Australian species into the future. To celebrate Taxonomist Appreciation Day on 19 March, we sat down with the Atlas of Living Australia’s (ALA) Engagement Team Lead Dr Ely Wallis to find out more about her career and taxonomy experience. ALA Engagement Team Lead Dr Ely Wallis. 1...

  4. Site Page: April 2010 newsletter summary – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 11th April 2010 April 2010 - Atlas activities, articles and reports, media releases, conferences and workshops, biodiversity weblinks From the Director Donald Hobern talks about simple ways to share species information. (article no longer available) The ALA aims to bring together all available information on species found in Australia – and to make it as easy as possible for any researcher or other user to help to complete the picture...

  5. Site Page: ACT Gang-gang survey a great success enabled by the ALA – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 7th March 2016 In 2014 the Canberra Ornithologists Group (COG) adopted the Gang-gang cockatoo as its ‘Bird of the Year’ to celebrate 50 years of birding in the ACT. COG developed an exciting citizen science project, the Gang-gang survey, to enlist the help of the community to collect information about the Gang-gang cockatoo...

  6. Site Page: ALA-cited publications – Atlas of Living Australia

    Have you used the ALA in your published (or soon-to-be published) research? Please let us know about it via this form. We’re interested in all types of research that the ALA supports including research publications in scientific journals, reports, book chapters, theses, as well as websites and apps. Online bibliography This bibliography provides a list of known publications that have utilised data in the ALA or ALA infrastructure to support their research...

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