Search for Pseudoceros maximus returned 3 results.

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  • Section: Support article
  1. Support article: Where could the Greater Glider be?

    Ecologists, field naturalists and all sorts of people might ask such a question. The greater glider, Petauroides volans (Kerr, 1792), is Australia's largest glider, an arboreal marsupial that feeds on Eucalyptus leaves at night and shelters in tree hollows during the day. We have records of where it has been observed, but where else might it be? Species distribution models are often used to answer such questions...

  2. Support article: How to access ALA APIs

    Jump to section: Examples of ALA APIs Explore our species information Find an image's link and attribution information We provide access to our data via a set of REST APIs documented on Swagger. You can find the list of published APIs and relevant Swagger documentation at You can use these APIs in your work to access our open-source data more easily and feed into downstream analyses using your own system...

  3. Support article: Wind, wind-farms, birds and bats

    Insights and predictions from the Atlas of Living Australia Authors: Eric Woehler and Lee Belbin Dr Eric Woehler Lee Belbin Wind is a significant and growing alternative energy source for Australia and other countries, with areas in southern Australia identified as suitable sites for wind farms...

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