Search for Hypselodoris jacksoni returned 2 results.

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  • Section: Support article
  1. Support article: Tabulation Case Study

    Author: Lee Belbin Tabulation in the Spatial Portal of the Atlas of Living Australia is a powerful way of comparing how species and areas are partitioned. Think of tabulations as the categorical (class) equivalent to scatterplots. Scatterplots display species occurrences against two environmental variables represented as X and Y-axes, for example ‘Mean annual temperature’ or ‘Annual rainfall’. Tabulations replace these X and Y axes of continuous numeric values with categories or classes...

  2. Support article: Taxonomy in the ALA

    Jump to section: Why does the ALA need a taxonomic backbone? How does the taxonomic backbone work in the ALA? 1. Combine taxonomy data from multiple authoritative sources 2. Build an index of names and classify them into a tree 3. Match incoming records to names in the index 3.1 Occurrence records 3.2 Species Lists 3.3 Species Search API Useful Examples 1. Resolving names from different authorities 2. Resolving an unrecognised name using a higher match 3...

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