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  • Section: Support article
  1. Support article: Spatially valid flag

    What makes a record spatially valid? What has changed in 2021? Detailed comparison How is the flag used? Search interface: default ALA General data profile Search interface: customising filters Directly querying the API Downloads What else do we check for? Occurrence records in the ALA can be filtered by using the spatially valid flag. This flag combines a set of tests applied to the record to see how reliable are its spatial data components...

  2. Support article: Uploading resources

    To upload resources to your project you will need to be a project admin. Go to the Admin tab and click on ‘Resources’ and then ‘Attach Document’. Fill out the document information and the use the ‘Attach file’ button to upload your resource...

  3. Support article: Writing good metadata

    What is metadata? Metadata is data about data – but not necessarily the actual content of the data. Examples of metadata include information about who authored the data, when, and what sort of keywords best describe the data and its collection process. Good quality metadata raises the quality of a dataset, because metadata helps make data FAIR – findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable...

  4. Support article: Survey location settings

    The location settings allow you to configure how users record locations in your survey form, and the styling of the map displayed in the survey. To configure the location settings for your survey: Click on the “Admin” button at the top. Click on “Survey settings” on the left. Click the “Locations” tab. Configuring how users record locations In the first section you can configure how users provide location information when they are entering data...

  5. Support article: Sharing a dataset with the ALA

    Jump to section: Datasets Why share data? Sharing a dataset with ALA is a five-step process How should a dataset be formatted? Darwin Core format Why Darwin Core? What are the minimum required fields needed? What other fields should be supplied? Metadata Sharing a dataset with us 1. Download a Darwin Core file template 2. Format the dataset using the template 3. Include metadata 4. Create a Darwin Core Archive 5...

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