Search for RUSSULA MARIAE returned 14 results.

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  • Section: Institution
  1. Institution: O2 Marine


  2. Institution: Experiencing Marine Sanctuaries

    Experiencing Marine Sanctuaries is a program designed for children, parents, grandparents and community members of all abilities that are interested in experiencing and learning about South Australia’s unique marine life. With an aim to: FOSTER appreciation and conservation of the marine environment. PROMOTE the establishment, effective monitoring and management of marine sanctuaries. INSPIRE people to become citizen scientists and actively participate in marine conservation...

  3. Institution: Positive Change For Marine Life

    Marine conservation in Australia, India and Solomon Islands. Paving the path to change through understanding, education and respect.

  4. Institution: NESP - Marine biodiversity Hub

    The Marine Biodiversity Hub is a collaborative partnership supported through funding from the Australian Government and is administered by the Department of the Environment (formerly Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities). The Marine Biodiversity Research Hub was initially funded through the Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities (CERF) Program, administered by the Australian Government's Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts...

  5. Institution: Sapphire Coast Marine Society

    The Sapphire Coast Marine Society offers you and your family a range of events and projects which are fun and educational for everyone. You can join in at whatever level suits you, from coastal rambles to snorkels and research surveys.

  6. Institution: University of Otago, Marine Studies Centre

    The NZ Marine Studies Centre is the public face of Marine Science at the University of Otago. The Centre offers marine education programmes, and operates a research aquarium. We are based in Portobello on the Otago Peninsula, where there has been a marine research station for over 100 years, starting with a fish hatchery in 1904.

  7. Institution: Marine and Freshwater Research Laboratory

    Research Laboratory

  8. Institution: Centre for Marine Fisheries


  9. Institution: Centre for Marine Science and Technology


  10. Institution: Mscience Marine Research
