Search for Apogon victoriae returned 18 results.

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  • Section: Institution
  1. Institution: Parks Victoria

    Parks Victoria is a statutory authority, created by the Parks Victoria Act 1998 and reporting to the Minister. We are responsible for managing an expanding and diverse estate covering more than 4 million hectares, or about 17 per cent, of Victoria. Parks Victoria is committed to delivering works on the ground across Victoria’s park network to protect and enhance park values. It is our primary responsibility to ensure parks are healthy and resilient for current and future generations...

  2. Institution: Agriculture Victoria

    The Agriculture portfolio is supported by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR). The purpose of DEDJTR is to create the conditions to sustainably develop the Victorian economy and grow employment.

  3. Institution: Zoos Victoria

    Zoos Victoria

  4. Institution: The Alpine Garden Society Victorian Group

    We are a group of gardeners, botanists and horticulturalists who are interested in alpine and rock garden plants. We meet once a month (usually the fourth Saturday of the month) at Ferny Creek Horticultural Soc. Ferny Creek Victoria, Australia, for a lecture and to share our experiences about plants. Part of our agenda is to stimulate our members to grow plants from seed and belong to an oversea's Alpine Garden Society, donating and ordering seed from their seed exchange...

  5. Institution: Victorian National Parks Association

    **The [Victorian National Parks Association][1] is the leading voice for nature conservation in Victoria.** We help shape the agenda for creating and managing national parks, conservation reserves and other important natural areas across land and sea in Victoria. We work with all levels of government, the scientific community and the general community to achieve long term, best practice environmental outcomes...

  6. Institution: Victorian Gorse Task Force

    Victorian Gorse Task Force

  7. Institution: Victorian Serrated Tussock Working Party

    The VSTWP is an incorporated non profit organisation comprised of community members in collaboration with a range of stakeholders, including members of the State Government, Catchment Management Authorities, Local Government, Landcare, VicRoads and Vline/VicTrack.


    Landcare Victoria Inc. is the independent representative body for Landcare in Victoria and exists to secure increased recognition, resourcing and support for Landcare. We serve the broader Landcare community within Victoria and we represent paid members.

  9. Institution: Environment Education Victoria

    Teacher Association for Teachers integrating Education for Sustainability into their teaching practice, and for teachers of VCE Environmental Science (Victorian)

  10. Institution: Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery