Search for Pseudoceros sp. (orange) returned 17 results.

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  • Section: Data resource
  1. Data resource: Boomer Range

  2. Data resource: Home range and core range of little penguins in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia (2008 - 2012)

    Tracking of 33 Eudyptula minor (little penguins) in Port Phillip bay, Victoria, Australia. Data from ZoaTrack website

  3. Data resource: Ravensthorpe Range survey data

    This datasource is comprised of two surveys undertaken in the Ravensthorpe Range between 2007 (200 quadrats) and 2009 (66 quadrats). The Ravensthorpe Range was sampled at a higher density than the BIF and greenstone survey, has had separate mapping across the range and is a major centre of diversity. For more information on this dataset visit the BIF theme page by clicking on Themes | Banded Iron Formations (BIF) in the main menu.

  4. Data resource: BirdLife International species range maps

  5. Data resource: Critical weight range mammals

  6. Data resource: rough range mig

  7. Data resource: 1962 Range Extensions

  8. Data resource: CSIRO, Abundance and distribution of orange roughy in southeast Australian waters 1987-1979

    Several surveys were undertaken to carry out a depth-stratified random trawl survey for orange roughy in southeast Australian waters between Kangaroo Island, South Australia (137 degrees E), and East Tasmania (148 degrees E). Target depths were from 700 to 1200m...

  9. Data resource: Hoplostethus atlanticus (Orange Roughy) length weight data, Australian waters (1987-2012)

    The biological data were obtained between 1987 and 2013.Over this period the survey objectives varied as did the technology of the monitoring and sampling programmes, including differences in trawl gear and fishing vessel. For most survey years fish were collected from commercial trawling vessels using a standard commercial orange roughy net fitted with 40 mm cod-end liners...

  10. Data resource: TEPL21003.4 Species list for ALA range extension.csv