Search for Parapercis pacifica returned 10 results.

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  • Section: Data resource
  1. Data resource: IBRA Pacific Subtropical Islands

    Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA). IBRA was developed in 1993-94 and is endorsed by all levels of government as a key tool for identifying land for conservation under Australia's Strategy for the National Reserve System 2009-2030. IBRA classifies distinct Australian bioregions. This list provides the scientific names of taxa identified in this region.

  2. Data resource: Plant pests of the Australasian-Pacific region: Scale insects

    Scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap from the plant's vascular system. Many scale insects secrete a wax coating for defence; causing them to resemble fish or lizard scales, hence their common name. Some scale insect species are serious crop pests because of the damage they cause to plants. However, their waxy covering also protects them from contact insecticides, making them very difficult to control...

  3. Data resource: Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin observations in the Clarence River 2003-2006

    Original provider: Christine Fury, Southern Cross University Dataset credits: Christine Fury, Southern Cross University Abstract: Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (<i>Tursiops aduncus</i>) were observed year-round during a 3-year study in the Clarence River estuary (CR) and Richmond River estuary (RR) in northern New South Wales, Australia. These sightings are from the Clarence River estuary...

  4. Data resource: Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin observations in the Richmond River 2003-2006

    Original provider: Christine Fury, Southern Cross University Dataset credits: Christine Fury, Southern Cross University Abstract: Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (<i>Tursiops aduncus</i>) were observed year-round during a 3-year study in the Clarence River estuary (CR) and Richmond River estuary (RR) in northern New South Wales, Australia. These sightings are from the Richmond River estuary...

  5. Data resource: Vulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region

    Vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) are any ecosystem that are highly vulnerable to one or more kinds of fishing activity or other disturbance, and are identified by the vulnerability of their components (e.g. habitats, communities or species). The South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) Convention includes specific provisions to protect VMEs. SPRFMO has defined ten benthic invertebrate taxa that are regarded as indicators of VMEs...

  6. Data resource: Distribution of Indo-Pacific Little Tern Sternula albifrons sinensis in Western Australia

    Recent observations confirm the Indo-Pacific Little Tern Sternula albifrons sinensis has been extending its breeding range in Western Australia in recent years, following a pattern documented in other tern and noddy species on the western coast of Australia.

  7. Data resource: Patterns of population genetic structure among Australian and South Pacific humpback whales 2007/11

    A spreadsheet detailing the analysis of humpback whale biopsy samples including the field: Sample ID Duplicate (notes field) Location sample was taken Collection date (UTC) Collection latitude and longitude Sex Haplotype DLOOP sequence Microsatellite sequence Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers By utilising both mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers, the population structure and distribution of humpback whales that migrate to separate winter breeding grounds along the...

  8. Data resource: Historic seabird observations around New Zealand coastal waters and the south-western Pacific by Neil Cheshire (1971-1974)

    Historic seabird observations around New Zealand coastal waters and the south-western Pacific observed and recorded by Neil Cheshire on a variety of coastal and ocean commercial shipping vessels. Observations typically 2 to 3 times per day for up to 2 hours. Location and weather details (air and sea temperature, cloud cover, wind speed and direction and atmospheric pressure) were recorded at the start period. Original data recording sheets can be downloaded at...

  9. Data resource: Organism occurrence records identified from underwater still imagery collected around Lord Howe Island and Balls Pyramid, southwest Pacific Ocean

  10. Data resource: Classified benthic data for mesophotic organisms and substrates around the Lord Howe Island and Balls Pyramid shelves, southwest Pacific Ocean (2013)

    This dataset contains classified benthic data from 2,668 still images collected using a towed underwater camera system around the Lord Howe Island and Balls Pyramid shelves. Underwater imagery were collected at 39 sites in depths ranging 6 m to 115 m from surveys aboard the RV Southern Surveyor in February 2013 and Lord Howe Island Marine Park vessel Tursiops in November 2013. The data published here is the taxa classified to genus level or better...

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