Search for Nesogobius greeni returned 7 results.

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  • Section: Data resource
  1. Data resource: Plants Of The Green Line - Woolsthorpe Section

    The Green Line is a section of the old Warrnambool to Hamilton Railway Line, the railway track is long gone however the reserve still remains under the control of Victrack. In recent years with cattle having been removed from the reserve, the original vegetation is beginning to re-establish itself...

  2. Data resource: Green Adelaide trapdoor spiders

  3. Data resource: Green Point, Brighton

    Bird list from Jim Willis reserve and beach at Green Point, Brighton

  4. Data resource: Green and Golden Bell Frogs in the New South Wales Central Coast Region

    There are known populations of Green and Golden Bell Frogs in the Central Coast region of New South Wales. Information on the size of these populations is limited, as is information about their distribution across the region. This project aims to provide a place where anyone can record locations and sightings of GGBF's in the region so that they are saved and recorded in the Atlas of Living Australia for the information to be shared and freely available to anyone and everyone.

  5. Data resource: Ningaloo Outlook turtle tracking of Green turtles (Chelonia mydas), Western Australia (2018-present)

    Ningaloo provides important feeding grounds and nesting beaches for a number of marine turtle species, especially green Chelonia mydas and loggerhead Caretta caretta turtles. Green turtles are abundant in the shallow lagoons, where they arrive as juveniles after spending perhaps a decade in the open ocean. This datasets is tracking data of eight green turtles from the Ningaloo Outlook Turtle Viewer ( accessed on 2022-11-14

  6. Data resource: Satellite Tracking of Dugongs and Green Turtles in Torres Strait and Shoalwater Bay, Queensland, Australia (2009-2012)

    Fast-acquisition satellite telemetry was used to track eleven dugongs and ten green turtles at two geographically distinct foraging locations in Queensland, Australia to evaluate the inter- and intra-species spatial relationships and assess the efficacy of existing protection zones. Home-range analysis and bathymetric modeling were used to determine spatial use and compared with existing protection areas using GIS. Metadata and data downloads are at...

  7. Data resource: Tracking two rehabilitated green turtles off Eastern Australia using satellite tags (2010 - 2011)

    Two turtles trapped in crab pot float lines were found by members of the public and admitted to Australia Zoo wildlife hospital. They underwent rehabilitation and had their front flippers amputated due to necrosis. Upon release they were fitted with Argos satellite transmitters to determine their movements and survival potential. Data is from

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