Search for Glyptoparus sp. [Browse] returned 3 results.

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  • Section: Data resource
  1. Data resource: Maximising fish detection with eDNA metabarcoding, Browse Island, Australia (2017)

    Water samples were collected from the intertidal reef of Browse Island; a tropical, remote island in the Timor Sea. Aliquots from a single 20700 ml sample and multiple 2000 ml samples were filtered in various volumes (25 ml to 2000 ml) across two membrane sizes (0.20 m and 0.45 m). A fish metabarcoding assay was used to characterise the fish diversity within aliquots. All samples, except one, yielded fish DNA sequences. Two hundred and nine operational taxonomic units (cf...

  2. Data resource: Habitat associations of cetaceans and seabirds in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean, Browse Basin, Australia (2008)

    There is an increasing demand for integrated pelagic surveys to support ecosystem-based management of marine environments and their associated marine life. The Browse Basin in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean was surveyed using ship line transects to determine habitat associations of cetaceans and seabirds with submarine topography and local oceanographic conditions during winter and spring 2008...

  3. Data resource: Species identification of worms from grabs - Leveque Shelf (Browse Basin), Western Australia SOL5754 (GA0340)

    In May 2013, Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) undertook a collaborative seabed mapping survey (GA0340/ SOL5754) on the Leveque Shelf, a distinct geological province within the Browse Basin, offshore Western Australia...

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