Search for Xyrichtys victori returned 9 results.

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  1. Data provider: Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch

    As dolphins in the region are at risk due to human impact and intensive boating activity, development of public awareness and community education is an imperative Dolphin Watch’s Charter: * reengaging students, teachers and volunteers in education through their environment * contributing to knowledge and understandings about Cetaceans in our environment * developing a baseline position with respect to population groups and habitat around the coastline * protecting dolphins, whales and their...

  2. Data provider: Parks Victoria Melbourne Water Partnership - Yarra Valley Habitat Restoration 2

    The Green Army will undertake weed control, public access management and revegetation of riparian and wetland ecosystems within the Yarra River floodplain reaches, from Bunyule Flats Reserve to Yarra Bend Park to protect threatened species and improve habitat.

  3. Data provider: Parks Victoria Melbourne Water Partnership - Yarra Valley Habitat Restoration 1

    The Green Army will undertake weed control, public access management and revegetation of riparian and wetland ecosystems within the Yarra River floodplain reaches, from Bunyule Flats Reserve to Yarra Bend Park to protect threatened species and improve habitat.

  4. Data provider: Biodiversity Connectivity Planting, Werribee Gorge and Pentland Hills, Victoria - Project 1

    This project in the Pentland Hills area northwest of Bacchus Marsh Victoria will recreate diverse habitat and biodiversity zones consistent with former vegetation communities and includes provisions for community engagement and education. Work will be completed in 2 main areas: (1) W James Whyte Island Reserve: Biodiversity and habitat improvements (15,000 plants) adjacent to Werribee Gorge State Park and along Myrniong Creek & Werribee River including the confluence of the rivers...

  5. Data provider: Parks Victoria - Threatened species recovery South East Melbourne District

    The Green Army team will work across a range of parks and reserves to provide a diverse range of experiences to participants of the program. The team will work in collaboration with Parks Victoria staff and local community and friends groups to undertake important habitat restoration works for the protection and recovery of nationally significant species listed above...

  6. Data provider: Parks Victoria Melbourne Water Partnership Maribyrnong Valley Restoration 1

    The Green Army will undertake weed control, monitoring, public access management and revegetation of riparian and confluence ecosystems within the Maribyrnong River floodplain reaches, from Organ Pipes National Park, Taylors Creek confluence to the Lower Maribyrnong Riverlands to protect threatened species and improve habitat.

  7. Data provider: Parks Victoria Melbourne Water Partnership Maribyrnong Valley Restoration 2

    The Green Army will undertake weed control, monitoring, public access management and revegetation of riparian and confluence ecosystems within the Maribyrnong River floodplain reaches, from Organ Pipes National Park, Taylors Creek confluence to the Lower Maribyrnong Riverlands to protect threatened species and improve habitat.

  8. Data provider: Revegetating a Key Tributary of the Wannon River in Western Victoria

    This project will fence 1.8km of creekline and revegetate 26.5 hectare with over 15,000 seedlings, completing of the final stage of revegetating a key tributary of the Wannon River. This will ensure the Wannon River is protected from environmental impacts by adjacent prime grazing and cropping land.

  9. Data provider: Protecting Nationally Significant Threatened Species of North East Victoria - Implementing recovery actions for three EPBC listed species: - Regent Honeyeater, Macquarie Perch and Swainsona recta

    This Project will collaboratively deliver threatened species National Recovery Plan actions for the Regent Honeyeater, Macquarie Perch and Swainsona recta in the North East Catchment Management Authority area of Victoria.

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