Search for RUSSULA MARIAE returned 10 results.

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  • Section: Data provider
  1. Data provider: Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI)

    The AMDI is a network of volunteers, communities, industry and government working to remove and prevent the occurrence of marine debris in our marine environment.

  2. Data provider: Sapphire Coast Marine Society Surveys

    THE SAPPHIRE COAST MARINE SOCIETY – SCMS – is a community based organisation on the Sapphire Coast, located on the Far South Coast of NSW. Welcome to our site. We Offer you and your family a range of activities, projects and events which are fun and educational for everyone. Learn From Our Experts We have members and friends like Michael McMaster (President), Alan Scrymegour and Guye Richards who are experts in many aspects of our coast and its creatures...

  3. Data provider: The Marine Mammal Center

    The Marine Mammal Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of injured, sick, and orphaned marine mammals. The Center relies heavily on a dynamic volunteer work force comprised of more than 800 individuals from Mendocino to San Luis Obispo counties. Volunteers handle everything from cleaning pens to preparing food, updating medical charts, administering antibiotics, and taking blood samples...

  4. Data provider: Integrated Marine Observing System

  5. Data provider: Maria River Habitat Recovery Project

    Maria River Catchment is a significant Coastal Floodplain and swamp area, containing a diversity of Endangered Ecological Communities supporting multiple Threatened Fauna and other significant fauna, which have been dedgraded and displaced by weeds and feral animals in the region. This project aims to control and reduce these threats, through the current landcare members and local landholders to conduct awareness raising, on ground action and training in pest animal control.

  6. Data provider: Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University

    Data provider server distributed by GBIF May, 2003

  7. Data provider: Hopevale Congress Marine Debris Reduction and Source Identification Project

    This project addresses marine debris clean-ups on Hope Vale Congress Beaches covering an area of 30-40 kilometres of beach (approximately 400 hectares). A major hotspot is Cape Flattery Beach 20 kilometres long (200 hectares).

  8. Data provider: Reduce impact of marine debris on the coastal environment of the Dhimurru IPA.

    This project is requesting funding to continue work relating to the ingestion of, and entanglement in, marine debris. This has had a devastating effect on the coastal environment of the Dhimurru IPA for many years. Marine debris refers to any man made material which is lost or discarded into sea. Dhimurru has been directly involved in the cleaning up of the coast for more than 20 years and the organisation facilitates the longest running continuous marine debris survey in Australia...

  9. Data provider: Enhancing habitat for woodland bird species across the Mountain - Marine biolink

    The project aims to work with multiple stakeholders on private land that adjoins significant reserves in the greater Hobart region. It builds on work that has previously been undertaken by NRM South and other stakeholders to protect habitat for woodland bird species and to increase biodiversity linkages at a landscape level across an area that is recognized as being important for a range of natural values...

  10. Data provider: Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS)

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