Search for RUSSULA MARIAE returned 115 results.

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  • Section: Biodiversity Science project
  1. Biodiversity Science project: Marine Mammal Sightings Data - Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary

    Specially trained citizen scientists with NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and National Park - volunteers use sightings forms and the Spotter Pro app to record and upload current marine mammal sightings in the Santa Barbara Channel and in sanctuary and park waters. observations include weather, behavior and presence absence information for sightings...

  2. Biodiversity Science project: Marine Metre Squared (Mm2) Project

    Marine Metre Squared is a new nationwide citizen science project that supports and involves communities in the monitoring of their local seashore . The project has been designed to provide meaningful, valid environmental baseline data on the state of seashores around New Zealand. It will enable us to not only take a snapshot of seashore biodiversity, but to form a baseline against which future change may be measured...

  3. Biodiversity Science project: East Jefferson County Marine Mammal Stranding Network

    Volunteers for the East Jefferson County Marine Mammal Stranding Network collect data on dead, stranded, or abandoned marine mammals at selected Washington State beaches. Participants also "pup sit" seal pups while they are being weaned onshore in order to keep curious dogs and humans at a safe distance while the mother seal hunts...

  4. Biodiversity Science project: Marine Metre Squared

    Marine Metre Squared (MM2) is an easy way to survey the intertidal community. Monitor a 1m x 1m square patch of your local shore once every season by recording the animals and plants that live there. Take part in special scientific studies and fun educational challenges such as hunting for pest species, looking for evidence of animals breeding, and measuring seaweed growth. Help others identify their new finds with the online forum...

  5. Biodiversity Science project: Sapphire Coast Marine Society Surveys

    THE SAPPHIRE COAST MARINE SOCIETY – SCMS – is a community based organisation on the Sapphire Coast, located on the Far South Coast of NSW. Welcome to our site. We Offer you and your family a range of activities, projects and events which are fun and educational for everyone. Learn From Our Experts We have members and friends like Michael McMaster (President), Alan Scrymegour and Guye Richards who are experts in many aspects of our coast and its creatures...

  6. Biodiversity Science project: Marine Metre Squared

    The NZ Marine Studies Centre and the Department of Marine Science gained funding in 2016 from the Participatory Science Platform - Otago Pilot - to link with schools and community groups to investigate the consequences of dredging on Otago Harbour rocky shore communities to see how these communities respond to sediment deposition and increased turbidity in the water column...

  7. Biodiversity Science project: Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI)

    The AMDI is a network of volunteers, communities, industry and government working to remove and prevent the occurrence of marine debris in our marine environment.

  8. Biodiversity Science project: Marine Citizen Science Certification

    2/5/2019 Update: Ocean Sanctuaries is pleased to announce a joint venture with Reef Environmental Education Foundation, a certificate in Marine Citizen Science. It consists of two modules, Part I: Basic (non-marine citizen science skills) and Part II: Marine Life ID 'fishinars' administered independently through REEF. Project is now active. Each module may be taken together or independently, but both must be completed to receive the certificate...

  9. Biodiversity Science project: Long term marine ecology project

    Australia’s south eastern coastline is home to an array of unique and fascinating marine life. These organisms have adapted and acclimatised to temperate (cold water) conditions. However, climate change modelling predicts that Australia’s surrounding oceans will warm by 1–2 ⁰C by 2070, with the south east coast of Australia expected to feel the greatest effects due to increased strength and penetration of the East Australian Current (EAC)...

  10. Biodiversity Science project: Yukon Marine Life Survey

    The Yukon Marine Life Survey is now ACTIVE: Ocean Sanctuaries now offers an opportunity for San Diego divers to contribute to a citizen science survey of the abundant marine life that has accumulated on the Canadian destroyer ‘Yukon‘ since its sinking off the coast of San Diego to act as an artificial reef in 2000. The first baseline study of marine life on the Yukon was completed in 2004 by the San Diego Oceans Foundation and Dr. Ed Parnell...