Search for Glyptoparus sp. [Browse] returned 14 results.

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  • Section: Biodiversity Science project
  1. Biodiversity Science project: Citizen Science Expo 2017

    This will be a citizen science expo for citizen science projects in San Diego, CA open to the general public who is welcome to come and browse the various citizen science booths.

  2. Biodiversity Science project: OpenSignalMaps

    With your help, OpenSignalMaps is creating a comprehensive database of cell phone towers, cell phone signal strength readings, and Wi-Fi access points around the world. This data is collected via an Android application and uploaded to the project's servers, taking care to use as little processing power and battery life as possible...

  3. Biodiversity Science project: NASA JPL's Infographics

    NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) needs you to take complex scientific data and images and turn them into informative graphics to convey a simple and easy to understand messages! The JPL’s newest venture is called JPL Infographics, and they need your help to create and post your very own creations of scientific graphic art...

  4. Biodiversity Science project: Petridish

    Petridish allows citizens to support science by directly funding independent and small -scale research projects. While this is a somewhat non-traditional citizen science project, funding is an important part of science, and Petridish allows science lovers everywhere to truly make a difference and support innovative science. Similar to other crowd funding style websites, Petridish lets you browse projects and donate online to the research projects of your choice...

  5. Biodiversity Science project: Project Soothe

    Project Soothe is a Citizen Science study based at the University of Edinburgh. Since 2015, our team of Clinical Psychologists have received over 600 photographs submitted by members of the public from 23 countries. During this phase of our research, we are inviting anyone aged 12 years or over to help us evaluate these images for their soothability. We have created a selection of evaluation surveys, each with a unique set of 25 images, for our Citizen Scientists to rate...

  6. Biodiversity Science project: Off the Roof - Miami

    Increasing demands on diminishing water supplies and the movement for urban areas to use more local water supplies has intensified interest in alternative water sources (e.g., roof runoff). However, lack of data on potential human health risks of these alternative water sources and treatment required to meet water quality standards has impeded use of these sources for both potable and non-potable applications...

  7. Biodiversity Science project: Price personalization tool

    The Price Comparison Tool by Volunteer Science enables you to see how corporations may be changing the prices you see based on factors like your browser cookies and user agent. Pages you visit on Google Flights, Amazon,, and The Home Depot (with more sites coming soon!) will be loaded on a remote server, and the server's prices will be loaded seamlessly into your page so that you can compare them...

  8. Biodiversity Science project: BeachObserver

    When a vessel accidentally discharges cargo at sea, or when oil spills occur, or when plastics or any floating marine debris is cast adrift on the ocean, it will eventually arrive on shore. In most cases affected landowners, neighborhoods, small communities, or municipalities will be the first to notice the accumulation of flotsam and jetsam on local beaches. We have developed a mobile phone application to simplify the recording, mapping, and networking of observations...

  9. Biodiversity Science project: The Australian Search Experience

    This project provides an independent, rigorous assessment of how search and social platforms shape information flows and public discourse for Australian users. This research will assess the extent to which search results are personalised, by various leading search engines and their algorithms, based on the profiles established by those search engines for their different users...

  10. Biodiversity Science project: Training artificial intelligence to identify tropical freshwater fish in Kakadu National Park (BRUVNet)

    The Supervising Scientist in the Northern Territory, Australia monitor freshwater fish communities in Kakadu National Park using underwater video cameras, collecting 100’s of hours of fish videography every year! This represents a significant volume of video that trained ecologists must manually process to characterise fish community composition. We can automate this process by training artificial intelligence models to identify and count the fish for us...